Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Eric1JMFor being a respectful classmate and demonstrating wonderful attentive listening during learning time. Superstar!
Tallulah1JSFor always participating in classroom activities and giving things a go! Thank you for your attentive listening and enthusiasm to learning each day.
Emma1LEFor fantastic counting by 10s, starting at different numbers.
Khai1LLFor showing positivity and kindness every day. You have had a great start to the year.
Xavier1MMFor always trying your best to extend yourself in maths. You counted by 10s all the way to 304! Keep up the great work!
Helena2BLHelena always participates with enthusiasm in all activities. She is a lovely friend who is always thinking of others. Thank you Helena for your wonderful smile and fabulous attitude!
Vivienne2CWFor being an enthusiastic library helper. Thank you for your contribution to keeping our bookshelves tidy!
Hayley2DKFor the positive attitude she brings into the classroom every day. You give your personal best in all situations and treat everyone with respect.
Leonard2MMFor your wonderful imaginative piece of writing about a pair of shoes. You used strong adjectives and powerful language. Well done, Lenny.
Harriet2TFFor the growth mindset she has shown when swimming and in class learning over the past two weeks. Great work, Harriet!
Adam3KTFor demonstrating his resilience during our Zoo Snooze and stepping outside his comfort zone. Well done!
Annie3MPFor showing leadership and responsibility at Zoo Snooze. You're a superstar!
Sefina3TMFor going out of her way to be inclusive and kind at camp this week. You are a superstar Sefina!
Xavier3TNFor showing great attentive listening this week during instruction time and contributing ideas. Well done, Xavier!
Kyani4AFFor consistently putting in her personal best efforts into all of her classwork, and also for always being a reliable and respectful member of the class. Amazing work Kyani!
Rory4CMFor your enthusiasm in all areas of school and for always being up for a challenge. Great job Rory!
Elsa4MKFor applying a growth mindset and your personal best effort during our Maths lessons. Well done!
Hannah5HTFor great listening and trying your personal best. Keep it up!
Aryan5LWFor your amazing, positive approach to all your learning tasks and effectively demonstrating the FWPS school value of Responsibility.
Aidan5RCFor showing respect for his classmates, giving each task his best effort and pursuing extension tasks where possible. Well done, Aidan - keep it up!
Ella5TCFor demonstrating a wonderful work ethic and completing her work to a high standard. Well done, Ella!
Oscar6KRFor participating respectfully and thoughtfully during class discussions. Oscar enriches class discussions 
Charlie6MAFor having an amazing start to the school year and playing the 'joyful character' in the 6MA assembly item. Phenomenal work Charlie, keep it up!
Arnav6MIFor your enthusiasm and curiosity towards everything. Your spark for learning and questioning is inspiring! Keep it up.
Jason6MPFor the effort you've applied to add detail to your persuasive text about Minecraft. Keep it up!
Caleb Matthews - 5LWTheirCareFor being a great helper during packing up and setting up the TheirCare room and for always being respectful towards staff and other children. Well done, Caleb!!