Principal's Report

Term 3, Week 1

Dear St FX Parents and Carers,


Welcome back for another wonderful school term! I trust you all had a safe and enjoyable holiday break and found time to do things at a different pace throughout the holidays.


School Closure - August 1st, 2024

As per the email that was distributed to families today, we have just been notified by Narrabri Shire Council that St Francis Xavier’s will be required to close on Thursday August 1st due to planned water supply interruption and maintenance works. The notice was mailed out during the second week of the school holidays, meaning we’ve only now been able to notify the St Francis Xavier’s families since returning to school and receiving the mail. We’re sorry about the short notice and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Parent Teacher Meetings - Week 3

In Week 3, we will be hosting Parent Teacher Meetings for families to come in and chat about their child’s learning progress to date and the direction for learning across the coming semester. Many families already met with teachers towards the end of Term 2, so these families should not feel obliged to meet again if they’ve recently met with their child’s teacher. More information about the Parent Teacher Meetings, including booking-in meeting times, will be distributed in the coming days.


Fr Sabu’s Farewell

On Monday, St Francis Xavier’s staff farewelled Fr Sabu with a special luncheon held at school. Fr Sabu has been Parish Priest here for five years and five months and during that time, has been a familiar face in our school. Fr Sabu’s involvement in the school across the past five years has included class visits, leading paraliturgies, celebrating Masses, either as a school or in class groups. At the farewell lunch, I noted how supportive Fr Sabu has been towards the school and how we hope that we have just as strong a relationship with incoming Parish Priest, Fr Paul Aguilar, as we have had with Fr Sabu. Fr Sabu will join us at tomorrow morning’s assembly so the students can farewell him. Please continue to pray for Fr Sabu's safe and comfortable move to St Patrick’s Parish in West Tamworth. 


Term 3 Sport - Tennis & Platform & Co

This term, we have engaged Shane Murphy to deliver tennis lessons to classes on Fridays. This will commence for four weeks in Week 2 with Primary classes, followed by Infants classes from Weeks 6-9. We still have Jake and Ellie from Platform & Co working with our classes on Wednesdays this term. They are working with Infants classes for Weeks 1-5, then Primary Classes in Weeks 6-10. Students are still required to wear sports uniforms on Wednesdays and Fridays.


P&F Meeting - Wednesday 7th August, 5:30pm

The next meeting of the P & F Association will be on Wednesday 7th August at 5:30pm. We welcome any new or old faces so you can hear about upcoming plans for the P&F and to share ways and possible opportunities for us to help strengthen the St Francis Xavier’s family community.


Pupil-Free Days

Please see the complete list of upcoming Pupil-Free Days remaining in 2024 below:

  • SCHOOL CLOSURE - Thursday 1st August, 2024 (Thursday Week 2, Term 3)
  • Fri 27 Sept (Friday Week 10, Term 3) 
  • Mon 14th Oct (Monday Week 1, Term 4)
  • Tues 15th Oct (Tuesday Week 1, Term 4)

Kind regards, 


Mal Frend