Need to Know

Congratulations on a great term
As we wrap up another successful term at St Helena, I want to take a moment to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students and express our gratitude to the dedicated staff who support them.
Year 9 City Experience Week
A special congratulations to our Year 9 students for their outstanding behaviour during the recent City Experience week. It is always a little nerve wracking unleashing 250 Year 9 students into the city, especially if they are unused to public transport or navigating the city independently. Your enthusiasm and respect made this event a memorable one, and we are incredibly proud of you! A heartfelt thank you to organiser Kate Pizzey and all the staff who assisted in making this experience a success. Your hard work did not go unnoticed!
Year 12 Media Students Shine
We also want to congratulate our Year 12 media students on the impressive screening of their films. It was a wonderful showcase of creativity and hard work! A big thank you to teachers Tim Wood and Belinda Necovski for their guidance and support throughout this process.
Raffle Tickets Reminder
We remind all parents to return any sold raffle tickets to the school. You can still purchase tickets by emailing Remember, all proceeds will go towards funding air conditioning in our school, and the first prize is an exciting $10,000 travel voucher!
Comedy Night Success
We’d also like to extend our gratitude to Caitlin Fecondo for organising the recent Comedy Night featuring alumni and international comedian Luke Kidgell. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and contributed to this fantastic evening! It was a great night filled with laughter, and your support helps us move closer to our Cool for School goal.
Re-enrolment form
If you have not already done so please fill out our re-enrolment form here to either re-enrol for 2025, or to notify us of potential changes for your child's enrolment. Your response was due by close of business today so prompt attention to this would be appreciated. Thank you to the 600 plus families who have replied already. (Please note you may need to copy and paste into your browser, and the link does not work on most phones. )
Concussion Protocols
Adolescents are often rough on their bodies when they are engaged in sporting activities, whether in class or on breaks, and can be clumsy! Knocks to the head, whether minor or major, are almost inevitable. The Department has very clear protocols regarding any head injury.
Our staff are advised to send a student to the First Aid centre after ANY knock on the head, even if it appears minor. Our First Aid attendant will apply the Concussion Recognition Tool.
The Concussion Recognition Tool 6 is used to assist with the identification of a suspected concussion.
The Department's policy regarding process after administering the Concussion Recognition Tool is pasted below:
- If concussion is suspected, the school:
- must contact the parent or carer and ask them to collect the student from school
- must recommend that the parent or carer seek a medical assessment, even if the symptoms resolve.
- If concussion is not suspected, the school:
- must contact and inform the parent or carer of the injury, including that a concussion is not suspected based on use of the Concussion Recognition Tool 6
- must tell the parent or carer to seek a medical assessment if signs or symptoms of concussion develop over the next few days at home
- can allow the parent or carer to collect the student from school
- must be alert to any subtle symptoms or signs afterwards at school that can suggest concussion.
Following a confirmed concussion, schools may need to make reasonable adjustments, guided by the student’s treating team, including:
- return to learning and return to sport plans
- modifying school programs to include more regular breaks, rests and increased time to complete tasks.
This needs to be guided by your medical practitioner as to what accommodations are required.
For more information about concussion, refer to:
- Royal Children's Hospital: Head injury – general advice
- Royal Children's Hospital: Head injury – return to school and sport
Daring to be Excellent: Debating Club
The 2024 DAV (Debating Association of Victoria) season for our region has finished. Our D Grade team will be back in 2025 to compete against local schools after their great success this year. Our club will still run each fortnight (Friday lunches at 1:15pm in H15 – Week B) where we will continue to refine our public speaking skills through activities and games.
Below is a picture of the DAV (Debating Association of Victoria) 2024 participants and some of their 2024 reflections:
The DAV has taught me so much I wouldn't have learnt otherwise; from the way I speak to new vocabulary. Joining the debate team has given me friends I wouldn't have met and a new perspective that has changed the way I see the world. - Joshua Davis
Debating helped me get a 100% in English for an oral presentation and made me a more confident public speaker.- Sritha 😊
Debating had improved all of our public speaking skills. This resulted in us becoming more confident, having a better posture in front of an audience and Debating can be added to our CVs. Overall, DAV was an enjoyable experience.- Mei
The DAV is a great way to have fun and make friends, as well as improving public speaking and persuasive skills.- Ashlyn
My favourite part of joining the debating club was that (even when we weren't in a meeting or at a competition) we were all laughing and joking together. We would talk about previous debates that happened 4 months ago and joke about something that happened in the debate. Another reason why I love the debating club is because everyone has a desire to learn/win (the debates). We would try hard before the debates and then after we would all congratulate the speakers. This positivity is why I LOVE the DEBATING CLUB!- Joshua Dworkin
I've only just started in the DAV, but the passion my team has for this club burns as bright as a flame. They talk about the memories of previous debates so fondly, and this inspires me so much. Debating will definitely improve my public speaking skills and help grow my confidence. My team are all such kind and wonderful people - I can't wait to start and experience this!!!- Devika
To me, the Debating Association of Victoria (DAV) has meant a lot. It is the perfect opportunity for people who have strong opinions to express themselves in varying topics, from 'Australia should implement a four-day school week' to 'the government should cancel the Suburban Rail Loop.' Being in teams of three, you always have someone to help you while you are debating. As third speaker, I learnt to think on my feet and rehearse all kinds of rebuttals. - Matilda, Year 7
Debating has always been a welcoming space; meetings have always been something to look forward to, laughing and planning over snacks. I have made so many great memories in debating, especially walking to the ice cream shop to celebrate our final debate for the year. It is truly such a fun place to be. Debating has helped me in so many ways. I have developed my writing and public speaking skills, met so many incredible people, and most importantly made memories I will never forget.- Caitlin Pollock
Debating Club has always been a wonderful place, both strengthening bonds with classmates and helping to create new bonds with others. Jokes shared throughout debates (including some very interesting moments) and calling out a certain someone (AHEM CAITLIN) during a debate, the memories are endless. Debating has helped to develop many of my speaking and writing skills and I look forward to anyone who decides to join in the future.- Madeleine Taylor
Even though my participation has not been consistent I am still happy to say that all the meetings that I have attended have been quite fun and insightful. I love sharing my ideas and seeing them be used in discussions or the debates themselves. All the other members of the team are so welcoming and even if I haven’t gotten that close to them, I feel that they are a wonderful group of people. I hope that for rest of this year and into next year I get to be more involved and really be a part of the team. Thank you.- Mitali Perera
Well done and thank you to Debating Coordinator Julie Whittington for her hard work in coaching our debaters and giving them such a great experience.
Daring to be Excellent: Declan Draper
Congratulations to Declan Draper who had "the most wonderful week"umpiring in the U12s Netball Nationals for School Sports Australia.
He totally immersed himself in the environment and has represented St Helena College with pride.
Daring to be Excellent: Niamh Coffey
What makes a good leader?
Congratulations to Year 12 Student and Captain Niamh Coffey who was in the final 8 students of the VCE Leadership Awards. We are so proud of her!
From the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Linked In Page:
We chatted to Niamh Coffey from St Helena Secondary College, a finalist of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority's VCE Leadership Awards, to find out. Hint: it has something to do with support, change and community
🌟What is your favourite part of Year 12 and why?
The independence of choosing my own classes... I’ve taken a lot of humanities subjects, and in each I’ve been able to explore elements of the world that I’m passionate about, such as gender equity advocacy. I’m extremely grateful to all my teachers who’ve encouraged my curiosities.
🌟What does leadership mean to you?
The ability to aid and inspire others in achieving change. It’s the ability to offer support, and an open ear as needed, and to help people to achieve their goals. Leadership means to be selfless and take on extra work and responsibility for the betterment of community. It also means to know when to stand up, and when to step back and listen...
🌟What do you hope to being doing next year, and in 5 years’ time?
I really want to become a teacher. I’ve had so many incredible teachers who’ve inspired me and supported me through tough times, and I hope to be able to make that difference in other people’s lives. Next year I want to study a double degree in secondary education and arts (literature or history) at Monash. If all goes well, in 5 years I’ll be leading a classroom for the first time. Throughout all this, I plan to continue my advocacy for social equity and youth rights.
Photo by Nicole Cleary, courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
Daring to be Excellent: Vocational Major Students
On Tuesday the 10th of September, a class of VCE/VM students from St Helena Secondary College hosted a Paralympic event for the year 1's and 2's at Glen Katherine Primary School. The event was focussed on Inclusion and spreading awareness about disabilities in sports. The day was planned around educating/teaching kids to play fairly and feel included when participating in a team. The day was a success, with the kids participating in Seated Volleyball, Soccer, 3 Leg Race, Blind Race, Throwing Field Event, Water Pong, Obstacle course, Over-Under and Hang the medal on the Paralympian. Within sports, there can be a lot of discrimination. That’s why we hosted the paralympic event, to try and teach the younger kids about inclusion and disabilities when it comes to sport. The day overall went really well with all the kids participating showing interest and being actively engaged in each of the activates. Thanks to everyone who helped during the event, ensuring it ran smoothly! (Harvey Dean, VM Student)
Wishing You a Restful Break
As we approach the term break, we wish all students and families a safe and relaxing time off. We look forward to welcoming everyone back at the beginning of Term 4, refreshed and ready for new challenges.