Principal's Report

Term 1, Week 9

Dear St FX Parents and Carers,

Week 9, Term 1


Welcome to Week 9 - I bet there are a few families who are grateful that the Easter weekend is just around the corner! 


Supervision before 8:30am

Across this term, we’ve seen students arriving at school earlier and earlier, despite the school not opening for supervision until 8:30am. Some students are even arriving before 8am. With the overall growing school population, the number of students waiting on the verandahs prior to 8:30am is now quite large.


In the last three weeks, we’ve witnessed an increase of restless behaviour from students who have been waiting for the gates to open, resulting in games being played or running up and down the front steps to greet friends as they arrive at school. This poses a significant safety risk to themselves and the other students sitting and waiting. We understand and appreciate the pressure on many working parents who need to get to work, but we cannot emphasise enough how important it is for us that your child’s safety is maintained.  There is no supervision of students from St FX staff until 8:30am, both inside the school grounds or out on the verandahs.


Please keep this in mind when planning your mornings. Your child’s safety whilst at school is paramount.


Easter Hat Parade

This Thursday, St FX will be celebrating the upcoming Easter season with an Easter Hat Parade under the COLA. Students will wear their usual school uniform along with the Easter Hat they have constructed at home. The Easter Hat Parade will commence at 10:15am and will conclude in time for recess. Parents and families are invited to stay afterwards and share a picnic morning tea with their children.


Shortly after morning tea, Stage 3 students will be leading the rest of the school in a reflection based on the Stations of the Cross. This will start at midday and will involve class groups being split into smaller groups who will then be led around the 14 Stations by their teacher or Stage 3 student. Parents and families are more than welcome to stay for these reflections too. 


Easter Message

I hope this Easter break and the upcoming season brings you and your family joy. For those of you who are travelling, I pray that you will experience a safe journey. Our Parish Church has a number of celebrations across the Easter Triduum and it would be wonderful to see our families there to celebrate in the risen Christ:

Holy Thursday 28th March - The Lord's Supper 7pm.

Good Friday 29th March - Stations of the Cross at 9am. The Lord's Passion at 3pm.

Easter Saturday Vigil Mass 30th March - 7:00pm

Easter Sunday Mass 31st March - 9:00am

Easter Sunday Mass (Bellata Church) - 10:30am


I hope you enjoy doing things at a different pace over the weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday for the last nine days of Term 1.



Kind regards, 


Mal Frend