Principal's Report

Principals Report

Excitement is reaching fever pitch as we eagerly count down the days until our much-anticipated school fete!



The school yard buzzes with excitement as children and staff proudly don their special fete tee shirts in preparation for the big day. (Photo)

Reflecting on the journey, it's hard to believe that it's been four years since our last school fete. I vividly recall the disappointment of having to cancel our 2020 fete just two weeks before the scheduled day. However, I'm delighted to share that nothing will hinder our 2024 school fete – not even COVID!


Our school fete is more than just an event; it's a celebration of our entire school community. Families and friends are invited to join us this Saturday for a day filled with an abundance of special activities, thrill seeking rides, delicious treats, captivating performances, and of course the opportunity to dunk teachers!


As we embrace modern times, gone are the days of counting cash. Instead, we're embracing convenience with cash cards. Should you run low on funds during the event, simply visit the information booth to purchase an additional cash card.


Thank you to the Fete Committee for their tireless efforts to date. There is no doubt this will be a huge success. 


Let's come together to make this fete an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. We extend a warm invitation to all families to join us for what promises to be a day of laughter, togetherness, and cherished memories.

Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors for helping make the Fete possible. Please see our sponsor page.

Zooper Doopers For Everyone

The fete committee decided to give each student a zooper dooper for all the wonderful donations and work all the students have done leading up to the fete, much to the delight of all the students.



Student Leadership Conference 2024

Our student leaders were invited to Beaumaris Secondary College last week to represent our school at a Student Leadership Conference. 


They spent the morning developing their understanding of student agency with addresses from guest speaker Hayley Allen and the Principal Team at Beaumaris Secondary College. 

They worked closely with three alumni Beaumaris North Primary students during a team building game and developed goals for 2024. This was a fantastic opportunity to engage with fellow student leaders, exchange ideas, and foster leadership skills that will undoubtedly benefit not only themselves but also our entire school community. Our captains were buzzing on the walk home, eager to share their ideas with BNPS SAT.


Thank you to Beaumaris Secondary College for the great opportunity! 


‘I See I Care’ Program

Our Sustainability Captains and ‘I See I Care’ representatives embarked on an exciting journey to Portsea. There, they were immersed in learning experiences centered around sustainability and conservation, including the unique opportunity to engage in swimming with dolphins. This was an unforgettable experience!


Harmony & Neurodivetsity Week

This week B.N.P.S. has been celebrating Harmony and Neurodiversity week. Through shared stories and classroom activities, we have focused on recognising, understanding and accepting the many cultures and neurodiverse students at our school!

Today the students are wearing a touch of orange and will be celebrating the day together by eating their lunch on the oval as a whole school.

There will be a full report with lots of photos and videos in the next newsletter.

Susie's Singers Perform at Assembly

Susie's singer sang a beautiful rendition of 'You belong to me' at the Assembly this week. 


Well, done!



Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!




Kind regards

Sherril Duffy