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Sustainability - Community - Action

Naranga Nude Food Days


As a Resource Smart School, we are very keen to reduce waste. So, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays are Nude Food days. Lunchboxes are a wonderful place to start. 


What is Nude Food?


It is natural, fresh food such as fruit and vegetables, sandwiches, and baked goods that you can pack in a school lunchbox without wrapping in foil or plastic. Upper Junior students found that most of the rubbish from last year’s waste audit was commercial plastic food wrappers and Ziploc bags. 


Using small containers, a lunchbox with compartments or a reusable food bag or pouch reduces waste and provides an excellent litter free lunch. 


More classrooms are also providing a food scrap bin in their classroom or outside eating area to teach students that food scraps can go into the compost bin for the worms to turn into compost for the kitchen garden. 


Our Pathways students are participating in a promotion for Nude Food and will monitor rubbish in the yard areas closer to the Naranga Cleanup Day in March to see if we can all work hard to reduce our rubbish. We are all responsible for keeping our school environment tidy and rubbish free because we share this environment with native wildlife.