
The week in Physical Education
This week our junior school have been focusing on throwing and catching, as well as fun inclusive ball tag games.
Our Senior School have been focusing on catching and throwing smaller objects such as a tennis ball with accuracy over a variety of distances.
We have also introduced a new modified footy game. This game is based on the skills of football such as marking, kicking and handball, as well as creating space (an area where you are not being marked by your opponent).
A big focus on this game aside from the skills, is the movement you create when you are not in possession of the ball.
Naranga 1 scored 49 against Officer who scored 20. In their second game they scored 24 against Marnabek who scored 39.
Naranga 2 scored 3 against Emerson who scored 42.
Naranga 3 scored 4 against Emerson who scored 14.
Well done to all those who played. Some great teamwork and a great effort from everyone.
Andy Craig
PE Teacher