Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,


What a week it's been at Albanvale Primary School!


We had the most amazing day at the very first Albanvale School Athletics Carnival! Congratulations goes to Yellow House on their win. Watching everyone have a go and represent our school in such an amazing way was fantastic to see. 


The weather wasn't as kind to us the following day for our paper airplane competition to wrap up STEM week. A little bit (or a lot) of rain wasn't going to stop us, with all year levels showing off their best paper airplane folding. 


Achievement Week

Next week we celebrate Term 2 Achievement Week where students will complete assessments, collect evidence of learning and reflect on their learning from the term so far. This is a fantastic opportunity for every student to see how much they have grown with their learning this year and set new goals for the upcoming term. Teachers will be sharing this with families through Seesaw and we highly encourage families to jump online and celebrate their child's success. Teachers will also use the information collected to finalise student reports which will be shared with families in the last week of term. Parent Teachers Interviews are scheduled for the last week of Term 2 with booking information to be released soon.


Prep Enrolments for 2025

Enrolments for Prep Places in 2025 are now being accepted. The process has altered slightly this year in that all interested families must submit an application form before Friday 26 July, 2024. Families who currently live outside of our zone must also apply before this date. Places will be confirmed with families by Friday 9 August 2024. 


We had a great response to our recent tours for new Albanvale PS families and have already received applications for 30% of our available places so interested families and those with siblings already enrolled at our school are encouraged to submit as soon as possible. You can complete the online application here in less than 5 minutes, print the application form on our website or come to our front office today. Please share this information with any families that you know are looking to enrol their child at school in 2025 .



Thank you for helping us Achieve Excellence, Together.