From the Principal
Mr Torpey
From the Principal
Mr Torpey
St Justin’s Primary School acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia's First People and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which our school stands.
We pay our respects to the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation, and their elders past and present, and emerging as we continue to proudly live and learn on their land.
St Justin's Primary School - Celebrating 40 years of Catholic Education
Dear Families and Friends,
We hope you have all survived another very busy week! It is hard to believe we are heading into week 11, our last week of Term2! It also looks like we have been able to survive the week without Mr Torpey. We look forward to having Mr Torpey back next week!
This afternoon all families should be able to gain access to you child/children’s Semester 2 report via nForma Portable. Please take time to read over these reports and then share them with your child. Teachers put a great deal of time and effort into writing these reports and it is important for students to be aware of their progress in all areas of the curriculum.
Please refer to the Learning and Teaching section of the newsletter as Miss Leung has included some information on the Rating Achievement Scale and helpful tips on how to read your reports with your child.
If you have not been able to access your child's report on the nForma Portal can you please notify the office.
Our Year 5/6 students have been very fortunate to be involved this term in the Winter Sport Competition against other schools in our district. This competition enables students to experience being involved in a team sport with their school peers. It also gives some students the opportunity to play a sport they may not have had the opportunity to play before.
The sports played were Netball, Softball, Football and Soccer. It was great to see our students enjoy this experience and also success along the way. I am pleased to inform you that our Boys and Girls Soccer Team have made it through to the Division Finals and also our Football Team. The Division Final will be played in week 4 of Term 3.
Thank you to the many parents who came along to cheer on our students and for the parents and volunteers who assisted with, coaching, umpiring or reffing.
Well done to our Year 5/6 students on how they represented our school during this event!
When we first arrived, Avila had a pretty garden and building. The students there that were helping us were nice and pretty talkative. We went into a big room where we met the 2 school captains and the principal, who had a joke for every primary school she came across. The school captains introduced the student helpers to both of the schools and grades and then we started heading to our 1st class.
Our first class was science. The science classroom had some animals too. There was a turtle and a lizard but there was also a third one but it was kinda camouflaged in its enclosure. We looked at how a sunflower grows through time lapse and we took a sunflower seed with us along with some other seeds. Our second class was Drama and we split up on a different instrument. The instruments were guitar, electric guitar, keyboard, drums and also singing. We played and sang three different Taylor Swift songs. We walked out of the drama room with a Taylor Swift sticker.
Our last class was robotics and we were split up into groups of 5 and 6. The 4 stations were VR, programming and driving robots. The VR station was where you were underwater and you got to choose an animal you wanted to swim with. The programming station was where you got to program “traffic lights” and the robotic station was where we got to drive different types of robot vehicles. We could control it with an iPad and we could fight each other with the robots. We ended the day with an aerobics performance done by the Avila aerobics team and a welcoming goodbye.
Written by: Chloe 5WM and Olenia 5F
On Thursday, the year 4 and 5 students attended Avila and Mazenod Colleges for a school experience day.
At Avila we had heaps of fun following the peer helpers around and looking at the school. We started at the art room where we designed our own keychains. It was so cool to see all the different colours and designs! Next the girls headed off to the science room. We got to see all these cool animal molds and took part in some science experiments. Afterwards we went to watch the Avila aerobics dance which was too good to explain! Finally we went to the year 9 building so we could see how the home room works. We even got to use the locks for the lockers! It was a wonderful day! I think most of the girls will want to go to Avila after that amazing and fun experience!
Written by: Adele 4P
The Year 4 & 5 boys went to Mazenod College on Thursday with St. Simons to have a look at what high school is like and because they needed to pick a high school to go to. They got to experience some of the activities at Mazenod College.
When we got there, we were greeted by a lovely lady and she took us to a lecture theatre and we watched a short video and then everyone introduced themselves. We then saw some year 9s perform a song with their clarinets. It was so lovely to hear. After that, we went with some past St Justin students as our leader and who took us around the school. Our first activity was PE. We played basketball and volleyball. It was so enjoyable for everyone. After that, the time was up. It was time for the next activity which was Science. We did an experiment called ‘Elephant toothpaste’ and when it erupted someone got infected and we shared it around. It was so much fun to do. After that we went outside for lunch. They provided us with a sausage sizzle and drinks for everyone. It was yummy. After that, we played on St. Eugene’s Park. We also went to a room and we did a Q and A with the leaders and then we did a Quiz game with the leaders.
Everyone had an awesome time. Finally, we went to the chapel and prayed, said our goodbyes and then we left.
Written by: Cristian 5F and Rishesh 5WM
At Mazenod we had a lot of fun throughout the day. To begin the day, everyone went to the theatre for a speech. Then the year 4s went to Science class and learnt ab
out diseases and how they spread. Meanwhile, the year 5s were having fun at PE playing Ping Pong and Futsal. After, the year 4s and 5s switched classes. Then it was lunchtime. We got to have a barbecue outside for lunch and enjoyed playing on the soccer field. Everyone had fun running around with their friends. After lunch, everyone had one more class. The year 4s had robotics, which was about coding [mostly drones]. It was an awesome experience!
Written by: Joseph 4M
We are asking for volunteers to help look after our chickens over the school holidays. Not only do our chickens need fresh water, food topped up and their eggs collected, they also need some human visitors. For more details, please refer to Chicken Carers page in our newsletter.
The NCCD is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. The NCCD enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can be best supported at school. The definition of ‘students with disability’ applies broadly to any student who has received adjustments over 10 weeks within a 12-month period.
Unfortunately, we still have a number of parents speeding up the driveway, using the staff carpark as a drop off zone. This week that unthoughtful behaviour almost resulted in a serious incident.
A reminder that no car should enter the school grounds unless:
Please note:
Plans are well and truly underway for our annual St Justin's Fair on the Hill. Along with any great ideas, we are also on the look out for any performers that might be interested in showcasing their talent. This might be in the form of outside groups that our students are involved in eg: dance, ballet, calisthenics, karate, martial arts etc.....
If you know of anyone who might be interested, please email
Thanks to everyone for your contributions to our 40th Anniversary Celebrations. Below are former students (Harry & Justin) standing next to the bricks used to build our church. The second photo was taken outside the Down Under Room (under the Parish House), which was used for baptism celebrations before the Church was built.
Celebrations of our 40th Anniversary are being planned for October. If you have any memorabilia, photos or stories they would like to share with us, please contact the office or email
Thanks to all the families who have completed the permission forms to use (or not to use) photos. As many of our families have requested that photos not be used, especially on Social Media (which includes our newsletter which is published online) it will be very challenging to use group photos in the future. Our newsletter may look a little different, but I'm sure it will still be a great read.
Please remember that if at any stage you take a group photo of students, it should not be published online unless permission has been granted.
Due to an ongoing shortage of School Crossing Supervisors, there will be no supervisor available to cover the following dates & times:
24-06-2024 08:20-09:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
24-06-2024 15:20-16:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
25-06-2024 08:20-09:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
25-06-2024 15:20-16:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
26-06-2024 15:20-16:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
26-06-2024 08:20-09:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
27-06-2024 08:20-09:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
27-06-2024 15:20-16:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
All the best,
Mrs Leanne Snell
Acting Principal