Chicken Carers - School Holidays

Thank you for taking the time to visit our Chicken Carers page and considering caring for our chickens over the school holidays.
Duties include:
- Letting the chickens out for approximately 30 min.
- Ensuring they have fresh water
- Ensuring their food is topped up
- Collecting the eggs
- Ensuring the chickens a safely looked back in their coop
We require volunteers for every day including:
- Saturday 29th June,
- Sunday 30th June
- Monday 1st July
- Tuesday 2nd July
- Wednesday 3rd July
- Thursday 4th July
- Friday 5th July
- Saturday 6th July
- Sunday 7th July
- Monday 8th July
- Tuesday 9th July
- Wednesday 10th July
- Thursday 11th July
- Friday 12th July
- Saturday 13th July
- Sunday 14th July
If you think you can help, please email your family name, year level and phone number to - Mrs Stewart and Mr Torpey will receive a copy of the email. Once the roster is finalised, we will send you a copy, along with the instructions of what to do.
Please note:
- It's important that only the family that is rostered on tend to the chickens.
- Watch out for the crows - they love eggs and have realised that if the door is left open or eggs are left on the outdoor kitchen table, they can "self-serve".
- No dogs please.