St. Patrick's Mentone - Newsletter

Christus in Corde Omnium - Christ in the heart of all

Issue 18 · 27 Jun 2024

In this issue

School Dates 2024 Term Dates, 2025 Term Dates
Principal's Report School Reports - New nForma Portal, Congratulations, School Calendar
  Deputy Principal's Report Random Acts of Kindness, Illness, Seasons Group, Bounceback Group
Religious Education Important R.E. Dates for Term 3, Gospel
Wellbeing How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children - Lael Stone 
Performing Arts News
Prep News
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge
Parents and Friends Association P & F - Constitution
The Healthy Hut Canteen Update
St Patrick's Before & After School Care This week at after school care the children were engaged in an activity using Hama beads. They made different designs and show cased their creativity. This task showed children have a lot of patience and this helped their fine motor skills. , We revisited an old favourite and made some puff pictures. It was lovely to see their creativity  in action. The children were exited to see their grass heads starting to grow. This activity connects to the environment and they learnt responsibility by taking care of their plants, Yesterday we had an incursion of making key rings. The children had to paint the different shapes and put it all together. Children had to paint the different shapes and put it all together, children were very happy to hang them on their bags. Children displayed fine motor skills by peeling off the sticker from the shape and then painting them. , Enrolment Information 
Community Information Music Lessons at St Patricks, Chess Lessons at St. Patrick's, Taekwondo Lessons at St. Patrick's
Parish Bulletin

Published by St. Patrick's School