Grade 3

3A Ms. Susan Winter

3B Ms. Janine Ceola

Education Support: Anastasia Dimartino,  Kim Fong 


We have had a wonderful start to the term with new experiences for the students including the Multicultural Day, Science Night and the school cross country event.


Our Maths focus this term has been on Multiplication and Division. We have looked at how this can be represented in number stories and representations such as number lines, groups and arrays. We are also practising skip counting and our times tables which you can also do at home. The students have also been busy measuring the length of objects using rulers and for some students, they have extended this to perimeter. We are now moving on to the topic of Time and Fractions. Please see your child’s teacher if you wish to have any additional activities at home to support your child’s learning.


We are completing our Talk for Writing unit where students have learned about explanation texts; we reviewed a non-fiction text, “how a refrigerator works” and students are writing an explanation text about “how a bicycle works”. It has been wonderful to see them using the key features of explanation writing, including causal signposts (eg. as a result of, consequently), descriptive language and hooks.


In our wellbeing lessons we have been learning about positive coping strategies. This includes investigating varying emotional responses and learning and practising self-calming techniques. We have also described situations that can lead to strong emotions and explored how everyone has different fears and how it is important to recognise this. We are moving on to the topic of problem-solving next.  


In Discovery, students have been presenting their research on communities (How has our community changed? How has our community stayed the same?). The students have embraced this task, and we are looking forward to continuing to see them present their projects.  We have also commenced our new topic on Celebrations and Commemorations which linked in with Anzac Day.