Grade 2

2A Ms. Rhiannon Evans (four days) and Ms. Rebecca Bruce (one day)

2B Ms. Jacqui Mitchelhill

Education Support: Noor Hussein, Sean Collins 

Water Watchers Incursion 


On Wednesday the Grade 2 Students had the Water Watchers come to school, they are a squad of crusaders who were forced to flee their home planet after it was drained of all its water. After light years of travel, they landed on Earth with a mission to watch over the planet’s precious water supply and remind Earthlings to turn their taps off. Rachael from Yarra Valley Water came to Bundoora P.S. to talk with the students about ways we can look after our planet and save water! 


Students who attended the incursion received their very own Water Watcher to take home to hopefully share knowledge learnt and a desire to join the Water Watchers in their mission to save the Earth’s supply of water. As we are learning about Water this term this helped consolidate our learning from the classroom and allowed students to share their knowledge and learn more about our water supply here in Melbourne. We learnt that Australia the driest continent after Antarctica and we need to conserve as much water as we can for our future. 


It was a fun morning and we learnt how to save water by making sure taps are turned off, taking a shorter shower, reusing our water from our bottles and using collected water to water plants. 



Jacquline, Rhiannon and Rebecca