Principal's Report

      Principal: Sherrin Strathairn - Ms. Strath

Assistant Principal:  Julie Dunn - Ms. Dunn

Business Manager:  Ankit Dhingra

Office Manager:  Jodie Russell

First Aid/ Admin: Amber Taylor

This week we are celebrating Education Support Staff week. 

Our wonderful ES keep our school afloat in so many ways and we couldn't run the school without them. Our wonderful ES team this year are:

Jodie, Ankit, Susie, Louise, Nicole, Jeremy, Ana, Noor, Elena, Kim, Michelle G, Amber, Heidi, Jules, Courtney J and Courtney E.

Please join us in thanking our ES staff members this week and every week.


Thank you

Thank you to Roland Hodda's family who have kindly donated a huge poster about Aboriginal culture and lands to the school. You can check the poster out on the garage doors of The Learning Centre. 


Mother's Day Stall and Breakfast

The Mother's/Special Person's Day breakfast was a huge hit on the 10th of May. It was wonderful to see so many members of the community at the breakfast and I want to thank the amazing mums and dads who took the time to plan, shop, set-up, cook, and serve the breakfast for us all. The food was delicious and the Bundoora Secondary School students who prepared the poffertjes and coffee were once again amazing.


Our Parents' Association also organised, set-up and ran the stall later the same morning. All our students were delighted to have the chance to buy for the special person in their lives.


We have a wonderful community with so many willing people to help our events come to life.


Family Science Night

Monday 13th May was our Family Science Night. Mrs. Amy Armstrong and her wonderful specialist team set up a wide array of experiences for us to try and all our teachers were in attendance to assist our learning.

Bundoora Secondary College teacher, Jesse McMaster, supplied some fun experiments for us and our teachers enjoyed challenging each other to score the highest points in the flashing light reflex test.


Due to a generous donation from Harnoor Khera's family the teachers were able to enjoy pizza and cold drinks before the night began. Thank you!


Multicultural Day

Tuesday, 7th of May we celebrated Multicultural Day at BPS. Our students worked in multi age groups from year prep to year two, and year three to year six and travelled the 'world' with their passport, learning about six to seven countries.


A feast was held at lunchtime with food generously donated by our families to celebrate food from their own cultures. Not only was the food delicious, but the students were so excited to share their food and explain why it was special to them.


Colourful clothing completed the picture for us on the day.



Mrs. Dunn and I were privileged to attend the Watsonia RSL ANZAC Day ceremony with our school captains and vice-captains on April 25th. We were proud of the way our leaders represented the school, as it is quite daunting to be the first school to be called to lay the wreath in front of a large crowd.


It was also wonderful to see other school families in attendance at the ceremony. Thank you to Mrs. Allibon who made the wreath for us and attended with us.


 Prep 2025

Apply now to enrol your child for Foundation (PREP) 2025. The Department of Education has released a new state-wide timeline for enrolling in prep for the 2025 school year. 


Make sure you submit your online enrolment application by Friday 26th July, 2024.


Schools do accept enrolments after that date from students living within the school zone or who have siblings at the school. To organise for staffing for 2025 it does help the school if families enrol their children as early as they are able.


The timeline applies to all children starting prep in 2025. All government primary schools, including P-9 and P-12 will follow the timeline.


School Contributions

Our office is open to receive school contributions. These are needed every year to ensure the provision of a high-quality education; supported by resources and a wide range of programs and activities. Contributions can be paid on Compass via payment plan or in full.


It's Not Great to be Late

I am disappointed to see a large number of students arriving late to school each day. The school day commences at 8:55 am and children rushing into class after the bell causes anxiety and sets the children up for an unsettled start to their day. 


The teachers commence their lessons promptly and late comers miss important instruction and explanation of the requirements of tasks.


Please aim to have your child at school at 8:45 am each day. Our teachers open their classrooms at this time each day so that your children can place their bags inside, unpack readers and drink bottles, and then visit the toilet and get a drink, ready to start promptly.


Wishing you all a safe and happy week ahead.


Sherrin Strathairn