Year Six News

Year Six Team: Marco (Leader), Kieran, Marshal & Mikala 

Term Two in Grade 6 

The Grade 6 department is looking forward to another busy and productive term. Interschool sport, involving the Grade 6 students, commenced in week two, and we will have the RoboGals visit each class for an interactive incursion about coding towards the end of the term.


This term, science and design technology becomes our term topic focus with students investigating ‘Watt is our Future?’. The physical sciences of light and energy will be explored through research and experimentation. Students will apply their scientific understandings to create and demonstrate a scientific experiment. Solutions to energy problems through design technologies will be developed towards the end of the unit. This is a terrific platform for student voice and agency.


Our literacy focus will be on developing reading comprehension strategies, such as summarising and synthesising, questions, and critical thinking. Individual conferences and goal setting will continue to be part of the reading and writing process. In writing, the Writing Revolution will continue to guide us as we will be explicitly focusing on conventions and sentence fluency, with links to a variety of information and narrative text types including our class novel, ‘Holes’.


In numeracy, the main areas to be covered this term include addition and subtraction, coding (with pattern, algebra and angles), angles, 3D shape, location, as well as multiplicative thinking through the Scaffolding Numeracy program. Through each of these units, we will continue to work on efficient problem solving strategies. We will also continue to revisit many mathematical concepts in the Daily Review.


Homework has commenced and is due on Monday each week. Students are expected to read at home five times per week with a goal of reading for 40 minutes, complete a reading reflection, and work on maths activities through the Essential Assessment website. The details have been posted on Google Classroom. Please allocate some quiet time at home for your child to complete the homework.


Grade 6 students have received their secondary school application forms. These need to be completed and returned to FWPS by Friday, 10 May 2024. Please make sure all relevant sections are completed or they will need to be sent back home. If you have any questions you can contact Marco Pitisano, the Grade 6 transition co-ordinator, via Compass.



Marco, Kieran, Marshal & Mikala

Grade 6 Team