Year One News

Year One Team: Joanna (Leader), Libby (Leading Teacher), Jess S, Laura, Linda, Michelle & Monica

Term Two in Grade 1

Welcome back and welcome to the new students who have joined grade one at FWPS!

We trust that everyone had a relaxing and exciting break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the term ahead. This Term, the grade 1s will be providing opportunities and support to flourish and grow each week. We look forward to our parent helpers joining us and lending a hand, in continuing to deliver a rich and inclusive learning environment to our year one students. 



Students will continue to engage with the Little Learners Love Literacy Program and they will learn how to identify sounds and syllables through blending and manipulating new decodable words they are introduced to each week. Students will also have regular opportunities to implement these new decodable words into their writing and spelling. During writing sessions, students will learn how to form a range of sentences, such as statements, questions using nouns, verbs and adjectives to add more interesting details. Students will build on their understanding of structuring sentences correctly by using capital letters, punctuation and finger spaces correctly.



Students will explore a range of strategies to assist them with solving addition and subtraction problems. These will include counting on, counting back and building to tens while using number lines and concrete materials to support their understanding. They will continue building their knowledge of place value of two and three digit numbers. Students will expand their vocabulary to describe positional and directional language to explain the location of objects in real life and on simple maps. Furthermore, they will also explore the concepts of measurement, such as ordering and comparing the mass of objects. Students will learn about calculating time durations and sequencing events. 


Sciences (Physical and Chemical)

This term we will focus on ‘How things work’, looking specifically at sound and musical instruments. Students will explore SOUND in our environment and what it is. Students will learn about different musical families and instruments, from percussion to wind and string. We will investigate how instruments work, their design and towards the end of term students will make their own instruments. Furthermore, students will be given the opportunity of exploring cooking and science experiments through our Chemical Science unit.


Respectful Relationships

Students will continue to explore Body Consent, Body Autonomy and identify problem solving strategies for social situations. Students will engage in a range of activities in order to develop positive coping skills, when faced with real life social and intrapersonal issues. Students will continue to work with the Berry Street Model through Welcome Circles, which will begin their day with positivity and a sense of belonging. Students will continue to use the ‘ready to learn scale’ to recognise when they are focussed and in the right mindset to learn, as well as using brain breaks to assist with their focus while learning. 


We look forward to working with all students and families this term.


Kind regards,


Joanna, Jess, Laura, Libby, Michelle, and Monica 

Grade 1 Team