Wellbeing & Inclusion News

Lunch time Clubs at Footscray West Primary School

At Footscray West Primary we run a range of Lunchtime clubs across the week to help build student engagement, social skills and inclusion for all students. They support students who may struggle with lack of structure in the school playground.


Benefits of Running Clubs


Lunchtime clubs can have benefits for students and the whole school community, including:

  • improved peer-to-peer and teacher-student relationships and wellbeing
  • a sense of personal empowerment and student voice
  • development of social and emotional skills
  • positive school climate and increased student sense of safety
  • reduction in bullying and playground behaviour incidents.

Lunchtime clubs are usually offered to all students, including students with disabilities. This promotes inclusion and enables students to socialise and connect with peers that they may not ordinarily have. Occasionally there may be a need to only offer it to some students. For example, if an activity is only appropriate for certain age groups or where a group of students have an identified need. Some students, such as autistic students and those with anxiety, are likely to find particular benefit from the inclusion lunchtime clubs offer.


Clubs are run by staff members across the week and can change on a termly basis. Some of the clubs running at FWPS this term include Nudel Kart, Skipping club, Gardening, Art Hub club, Drawing club, Music club, Yoga, Lego and Puzzle club.


Along with our fantastic clubs the Library is open across breaks to allow students who need a quiet space to enjoy or to help them regulate behaviour or big emotions.