Year 8 Maths

Tiny Houses

Our Year 8 maths students have had a great term learning about measurement and geometry. They demonstrated their understanding through building a "Tiny House" which can fit into a shipping container. This provides sustainable and affordable housing options. They worked with floor plans to make sure all the equipment fit, and then had to build a scale model of their Tiny House. Each class compared and negotiated their best designs and built two full models. Our Maths team and Ms Chaves judged the best tiny houses! 


Congratulations to 8A for winning the Tiny House competition!


Student Reflection


One of my favourite parts of this PBL was the building and painting aspect. I never knew I would do well in this area, as I’m not that good when it comes to arts and crafts. Even though it took me a bit of time, I was able to finish it in time. One thing that I’ve learned is how much time, effort and maths go behind building all types of things, whether it’s a house or even something small like a bedside table. This PBL has taught me many things about engineering and building and has inspired me to love all aspects around math now.

Riyan P

More photos of the judging on the Our Latest Facebook & Instagram Posts page of this newsletter!

Ms Sophie Zhou
