Coming Up at FWPS

Working Bee Coming Up - Sunday, 17 November
Dear FWPS parents and carers,
For many years Sunday working bees were held each term. These provided a regular opportunity for families and staff to volunteer time and effort to help make our school facilities and our community better.
The pandemic, followed by changes in OH&S compliance and child safety requirements have made running working bees with children present, no longer feasible.
With the above considerations in mind, the Facilities Committee of our School Council is planning for a general working bee to be held from 9:00am to midday on Sunday, 17 November.
Work that will be planned will include gardening, painting, general maintenance and preparation for our gymnasium building project.
As a consequence, the working bee component of the day will be an adult only event. Attendees will be sent OH&S induction requirements prior to attendance.
Following the working bee, we invite the families of our working bee participants to attend for a pizza lunch using our outdoor pizza oven. The school will provide pizza bases and basic ingredients and soft drinks. You are welcome to bring along some additional ingredients if that suits. This will be a family friendly, alcohol-free event. This event is open to all FWPS community members and it will be the responsibility of parents to supervise their own children throughout the lunch to ensure child safety.
If you can attend for some or all of the working bee and lunch, please register your details on the link below.
Best regards,
Brendan and Taleb on behalf of the Facilities Committee
Marrung Student Representative News - Books 'n' Boots Donation Drive
FWPS is once again collaborating with the local charity Books 'n' Boots. Last year, our school community donated over 100 pairs of boots to First Nations children in need. During Term 4, the Marrung Student Representative Team are looking for donations of children’s books for any age (including picture books, novels, chapter books and graphic novels). Please make sure they are in good condition. These books will be re-homed to First Nations children in need in regional and remote communities across Australia.
The big, wooden Books 'n' Boots donation box can be found in the school office. Please drop your quality book donations directly into the box before Monday, 2nd December (week 9).
Thank you in advance!
Tess and the Marrung Student Representatives Team