Music News

Music Teachers: Jane McCracken 

Music Room Overview – Term 4


In term 4 the preps, are singing more songs focussing on soft and loud, high and low and fast and slow. They are developing listening skills through adding appropriate sound effects to stories using percussion instruments. They are starting to respond to musical symbols to practise body percussion patterns. They are moving their bodies in time with music and expressing their musical preferences


Year 1

The year one’s are working on progressing their keyboard and drum skills in term 4. They are learning to find notes on the keyboard and working towards using all their fingers to play. On the drums, they are exploring the sounds on our electric drum kits, learning stick technique and focusing on using both hands. They will be composing their own music as well as learning to sing songs suited to their voices. They will also be learning more handclap games and chants to help develop their skills of feeling a common beat with a partner and larger groups.


Year 2

This term the year 2s are focussing on learning more common drum patterns and creating their own music through arranging these patterns in original combinations. I’m looking forward to hearing their classroom performances! They will also continue learning to sing developmentally appropriate songs and accompany their singing with classroom instruments selected from keyboards, guitars, ukulele and percussion. 


Year 3 & 4

The year 3s and 4s have started term 4 by learning about different musical meters. They have listened to different types of music to figure out how many beats per bar, and will compose their own music, consciously choosing and using different time signatures, aiming to clearly show the meter of their composition. Our next focus for the term will be on learning common musical patterns such as scales and the 12 bar blues pattern, to facilitate developing improvisational skills.