TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends!
Welcome to Week 8 of Term 2!
Can’t believe that we are almost at the end of this term! This week’s theme is “Winter is Here!” We started the week with some arts and crafts activities such as Build-A-Snowman, Cotton Ball Penguin Craft, and Penguin Colouring sheets which they all loved, and had so much fun doing. This week we started with our TheirCare Belonging Wall which we got the children involved in making a portrait of themselves that we will be put on the wall. We can’t wait to show everyone once we finish them! Not only the children were engaged in arts and crafts activities, but we also played sports games such as basketball, football, soccer, and gaga ball! This week we have so much fun at TheirCare!
Also, we would like to welcome new families and children attending TheirCare. Last week we had pancakes as a special breakfast menu for Wednesday morning and we have had so much positive feedback about it! We are excited to let everyone know that aside from the cheese toastie every Friday we will now be having pancakes as one of our breakfast options every Wednesday.
This week’s Pupil of the Week is Florence Szafraniec for being compassionate to others, and by staying with them and making sure that they feel better, especially when they are hurt or upset. Well done Florence! You should be so proud of yourself. 😊
We would like to let all prep families know that this week the prep children started walking by themselves over to TheirCare every afternoon. We are proud to say that the prep children have been amazing and have shown great confidence walking over to TheirCare every afternoon. Please note that they leave their classroom at 3:15pm so they have enough time to transit, and they are being supervised by one of our TheirCare staff. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with us.
As the term is about to end, we are getting closer to our Winter Holiday Program. We will be having two weeks of fun at TheirCare for both incursions and excursions. We are excited to let you know that this holiday program we will all be visited by Supreme Incursions for an exciting session of creative LEGO building! As I mentioned last week, we have four massive excursions for this Holiday Program where we will be going to the Movies, Super Park, Rolling Skate Arena and even going to the 3D Dino Museum. Flyers will be available this week, and brochures can be accessed online. If you have any questions regarding our holiday program, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with us.
Next Friday the 14th of June we will be celebrating the “Mission Starlight” at TheirCare. Please join us in supporting the Starlight Foundation as our WeCare charity in Term 2. We would like to make a big impact on the Starlight Foundation by bringing joy to children’s lives. We have prepared a variety of fun activities for that day. We hope to see you all!
For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat, please visit us in Emu Corner in the morning or afternoon. Alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will be happy to help you. 😊
TheirCare Team
Angie, Ashleigh, Dhaval, Marie, Suzanna, Lezley, Charlotte & Zayneb
Contact Details:
Service Phone: 0487 004 072
Service Email:
Head Office: 1300 072 410