Music News

Music Teachers: Jane McCracken 

Term 4 in Music 

This term the preps have been really getting into learning more action songs and have been doing really well developing their skills of holding and strumming the ukuleles to accompany their singing. They are choosing songs to prepare for a performance in week 10, there will be singing, dancing and playing instruments. More details to come very soon!


In year 2 – we are learning more songs which use C and F chords and expanding our knowledge of these chords on to more instruments including ukulele and guitar. They have been working in collaborative groups to create performances using different instruments and will be putting it all together for a performance in week 10. More details coming soon!


The year 3s & 4s have voted as a class and chosen songs for a class performance. They have been working really hard in class to learn their parts and some at home too! There is singing, drumming, keyboard playing, ukulele, guitar, bass and even some dancing. More details to come soon about the performances in week 10.


The year 5 & 6s have also chosen songs and been really focussed on choosing instruments and learning their parts. We’ve been learning riffs, rhythms and counter rhythms. Vocalists have been memorising their words and working on their singing and microphone technique. Drummers have been challenging themselves with new beats as well as knowing when to keep it simple and steady to make for an engaging performance. Guitarists and ukulele players have been riffing as well as learning new chords and training their fingers to swap positions in time. Keyboard players have been learning melodies, chords and inversions. It’s fantastic to hear it all coming together in the classroom. Stay tuned for information regarding performances in December.



Jane McCracken