LOTE Italian News

Italian Teachers: Giuliano Iacuzzi & Kerrie Ahrens

Term 4 in Italian

Buongiorno a tutti! 


Our last term of school is really full of events and we hope everyone will enjoy it!

We received great feedback from all the Grade 3 and 4 students who attended the incursion of Tarantella dancers; they showed us how to move our body through the dance and told us about the origins of this Italian folk tradition. Given the enthusiastic response of all students we hope that we can invite Rosa and her Tarantella in the future. 

As for the Italian language program this term here are the main aspects that we’ll be working on:


Preps are continuing to learn basic greetings, colours, numbers 0-10, body parts and the days of the week. This term we are studying the picture book, Il Bruco Molto Affamato (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) by Eric Carle.


Grade Ones are learning to present their favourite animals and to briefly describe their size, their body parts and their voice, or their cry. They will use the words “is” and “has” to describe their animals and will ask their peers to share their faves. They will also sing the songs related to the topic.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Grade Twos are exploring the solar system. The little chick who helped us learning the days of the week is now visiting the planets involved with those words, as they are linked to the planets. The students will follow Pulcino’s journey, imagining that a creature on every planet will welcome the feathery traveller and offer him some yummy food during his visit.


Grade Threes will complete this year by inquiring and sharing with their peers the places they visit most often and others that they’d like to visit soon. They will also explore the modes of transport, compiling a selection of frequently used vehicles and others they are yet to enjoy travelling on.


Grade Fours are expanding on the topic of places, by exploring the verb “to go” in the present and past form and sharing their stories through games, pictures and songs. They learn how to create the questions to find out where their peers went or would like to go, and how to report and share with the class their peers’ whereabouts, which they have found out during interviews.


Grade Fives & Sixes will complete the year by brainstorming ideas to organize a party. A party for senior students means that the families input and help would be ‘minimum’, so the question arises, ‘What do we need?’ ‘How do we get organised?’. The students are to think about all the important ‘ingredients’ to make a “festa”, conduct google translate research, use selected formulas to present their own ideas and listening to their peers’ take on the topic.


We hope that we can all enjoy the activities, Buon Lavoro/happy activities!


Thank you / Grazie,


Kerrie & Giuliano