Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

AliciaPACFor working hard in literacy. It is great that you are listening for and recording so many sounds in words. Excellent effort!
ElenaPAKFor being a kind, helpful and considerate member of our class. We appreciate you!
HunterPBDFor using your knowledge of sounding out to spell and write words. Well done, Hunter!
IvyPKTFor your amazing effort when reading in our small reading groups. Well done, Ivy!
NinaPLBFor always coming to school with a positive attitude and giving everything a go! Keep up the fantastic work Nina!
Benji1JIFor applying his personal best effort in all academic tasks. You are to be commended on your growth mindset for learning. Sensational!
Felix1JSFor demonstrating consistent attentive listening during learning and being a valuable contributor to group discussions.
Alfie1LEFor showing great improvement in reading. Keep up the great effort Alfie.
Nyrvana1LLFor settling in so well in 1LL. So wonderful to see your happy face back at FWPS!
John1TNFor working hard to complete your summarising task on snails. Wonderful effort John!
Sam2CWFor his exceptional information report on 'Super Squids'. Keep it up Sam!
Tenzin2DWFor her amazing use of the bar model in Maths to help solve fraction problems. Great understanding of equal parts, Tenzin
Louis2HRFor doing an amazing job researching jellyfish for your information report. You wrote some interesting facts and your dedication towards the task was inspiring.
Taylor2TFFor demonstrating kindness and care to all his classmates. Fantastic effort, Taylor!
Scout3CGFor finding strategies that work for her, leading to her striving for her personal best! Keep it up Scout.
Otis3MKFor the amazing effort that you have applied to your persuasive text. Impressive!
Ari3MPFor working hard during Daily Review. Well done!
Seb3TMFor the effort you have applied to your persuasive writing piece. Thank you for all your hard work Seb!
Elijah4AFFor being a great helper who is always willing to lend a hand. (As voted by his peers)
Lixuan4JDFor her attentiveness and focus. Throughout the year, you have shown a great ability to listen to others and ensure that you complete your tasks to your personal best. Fantastic effort!
Terrence4MSFor consistently demonstrating attentive listening and always being inclusive of classmates in activities and play.
Harry4TCFor his persuasive writing to the local government to repair and improve local sporting facilities. Well done, Harry!
Samuel5LWFor independently working through Maths tasks this week and solving a range of problems involving angles. Well done, Samuel!
Monty5MCFor always striving to have a deep understanding of concepts and paying close attention to details. Fabulous work, Monty!
Phoenix5SMFor always applying your personal best and having a positive attitude to learning. (As voted by your classmates)
Tahlia5THFor being a responsible gate monitor. Well done!
Sam6LCFor your wonderful attitude towards your learning. Top job. Keep it up Sam!
Charlie6MCFor his excellent approach to helping his teammates during interschool sport. Thanks for helping to pass on your knowledge and skills Charlie!
Luca6MPFor the consistent effort that you have applied to your homework. Amazing work!
Tavish Riley - 4TCTheirCareFor being an amazing helper to the younger children, listening to the staff, and being respectful to everyone. Well done, Tavish!