FWPS Parents Association

Second Hand Uniform Shop - Relocation Sale!
Grab a bargain in the first week of December as the Uniform Shop prepares to relocate! We will open every afternoon in Week 9: after school on Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd and Friday 6th December (and at the Prep Playdates on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December). We’ll be selling all second hand stock at discounted prices.
We are also seeking parent help running the stall - if you have half an hour to pitch in with sales, please sign up using the following link:
Sign up here: VolunteerSignup - Second-Hand Uniform Shop 2024 signup sheet
Volunteering in 2025
Get ready early for volunteer opportunities in 2025! At Footscray West PS, to volunteer you need to satisfy two items of compliance: provide a Working With Children Check, and to complete the school’s Volunteer Induction Course - found on Compass (approximately 30 min). Both items only need to be completed once and will remain valid after 2025.
Get your WWCC here: Working with Children Check
With thanks,
Claire & Alicia
On behalf of the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association