News from the School Nurse
School Nurse: Zowi Marshall (Registered Division 2)
News from the School Nurse
School Nurse: Zowi Marshall (Registered Division 2)
Hi FWPS families,
My name is Zowi I am the school nurse here at FWPS. I am registered nurse with over 20 years experience, many of those spent working in emergency departments in both Australia and the UK. I joined FWPS in 2017 and have enjoyed getting to know many of the children and families over these years.
Currently I am available to students and families between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday. With the beginning of the new year, I wanted to touch base about some of the processes around first aid at our school.
Just a friendly reminder that all Asthma, Allergy and Anaphylaxis plans are due back.
These forms were all sent home at the end of last year
and were due back the first week of term.
Should you require a replacement please stop by the office to collect what you need. These plans are a requirement from the Victorian Department of Education.
With the school having the Compass portal, families will receive an email informing parents / guardians that a student has attended the sick bay. This email will outline the reason for attending sick bay, any care or treatment they have received and the outcome. We request that parents / guardians do not attend school to collect a student based on a sick bay attendance. Should your child require collection from school, staff will make contact via a phone call.
Please feel free to contact me should you ever wish to discuss any aspects of first aid for your child between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm, alternately you can always send me an email via the school email.
Many thanks,
Zowi Marshall
Registered Nurse