Merbein P-10 College Events

Date Issued:
February 20th, 2025
Merbein P-10 College
188-206 Commercial Street Merbein VIC, 3505
Phone 0350252501
Term 1
Monday - 17th to Friday 21st
5/6 Swimming Program
Thursday - 20th
Student Free Day - no students required at school
Prep Rest Day
Friday - 21st
Secondary Interhouse Swimming Sports
Wednesday - 26th
Prep Rest Day
Friday - 28th
Merbein District T20 Cricket
Monday - 10th
Labour Day Public Holiday
Wednesday - 12th
NAPLAN test period begins
Monday - 17th to Friday - 21st
Year 8 Surf Camp
Monday - 17th to Friday - 21st
3/4 Swimming Program
Monday - 24th to Friday - 28th
STOMP Dance Learning Showcase
Tuesday - 25th to Friday - 28th
Year 7 Grampians Camp
Friday - 28th
STOMP Performance, 2pm
Thursday - 3rd
Year 7 & 10 Immunisations
Friday - 4th
Last day of term
Term 1
29/01/2025 - 04/04/2025
Term 2
22/04/2025 - 04/07/2025
Term 3
21/07/2025 - 19/09/2025
Term 4
06/10/2025 - 19/12/2025
Doctor's in Schools
The doctor's in Schools has begun for 2025. Any Secondary student that wishes to make an appointment with the doctor can do so by coming into the main office or call 50 252 501
Loan Devices
All secondary students who had a school loan device last year will be able to collect their devices from the library on Monday morning between 8.30am and 9.00am. Please remind your student that the device MUST be returned to the library every day for charging.
Any Year 7’s, or new students wishing to use a school device can collect a Loan Device Contract from the library, which will need to be signed by both the student and a parent/caregiver.
Primary Swim Program, Term 1
In weeks 4 & 8 the primary students in 5/6 & 3/4 will be participating in their swim program at Frist Stroke Swim School.
Students will need to come to school in their uniform and will change into their bathers before their lesson.
Students will need bathers, towel, thongs/crocs and a plastic bag to put their wet clothes into.
Parents/guardians will need to complete the permission form on compass prior to your child/ren’s swim week.
There will be a $25 charge for transportation (this can be paid out of your school savings bonus or CSEP, please contact the office if you are unsure of your balance)
Dates & Times:
Week | Dates | Year Levels |
4 | Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February | 5/6 |
8 | Monday 17th March – Friday 21st March | 3/4 |
Note: Thursday 20th February is a student free day.
Week 4 – 5/6
Time | Group |
12:15pm – 12:45pm | 5/6A (group 1) |
12:45pm – 1:15pm | 5/6B (group 2) |
1:15pm – 1:45pm | 5/6C (group 3) |
Week 8 – 3/4
Time | Group |
12:15pm – 12:45pm | 3/4A (group 1) |
12:45pm – 1:15pm | 3/4B (group 2) |
1:15pm – 1:45pm | 3/4C (group 3) |
Primary Hockey Roadshow
It was a fantastic experience having Hockey Victoria recently attend our school as part of their roadshow program. Our students learnt the skills of hockey through exciting game-based activities in an engaging, fun and safe environment.
While the roadshow is over, students can continue their hockey journey by joining a local Hookin2Hockey program at
With programs starting soon now is the perfect chance to get out on the pitch. Hookin2Hockey will allow children to expand on the skills they recently learnt at school, develop fundamental motor skills while making friends and having fun!
Inter-house Swimming Sports 2025
Friday 21st February is the Inter-House Swimming Sports. Students must have permission to go on Compass by the end of Thursday 20th February. If they don't have permission they must stay home as all staff will be attending the swimming sports.
Don't forget your bathers and towels and a change of clothes.