A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are just over a week out from the end of the Liturgical Year and the beginning of the next. Advent marks the start of the new Liturgical Year and is the time when we prepare for Christmas. The colour for the season of Advent is purple and even nature puts on purple at this time of year. The Jacaranda trees and the Agapanthus flowers remind me that Christmas is approaching. Let us use this time to reflect on and strengthen our relationship with God. Prayer is the best way to connect with God. We can use personal prayer or traditional prayers. We can pray alone or in a group. We can reflect and meditate, give thanks and praise. However you choose to pray, this time of year is a great time to pause and turn to God.
A huge thank-you to the P&F Committee and all those parents who joined us for the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday morning. A new committee was elected and we thanked the outgoing President and Vice-President for their dedicated service. We are very blessed to have a loyal band of helpers and the new committee will be introduced to you shortly. My sincere thanks to both our former and new committee members.
Friday evening we enjoyed an amazing night of fun and games. Huge thanks to the staff, parents and friends who came along and helped to raise funds for our 100 Years of School celebrations in 2025. If you missed out, get ready for the next big event in 2025.
Congratulations to our students who performed in the Network Festival: Made of Stars last Wednesday evening. I was delighted to have the opportunity to see them perform and hear the beautiful harmonies of their song. Please see the Network Festival page to read all about their performance. My sincere thanks to Mrs Wood and Mr Steven Wood, who wrote the song and arranged the score. The students were involved in the writing of the lyrics and it was lovely to see our students playing to accompany the choir.
It is that time of year again, when we sort out our classes for 2025. Any parent who wishes to make a request about the best placement for their child, or who they would bennefit from being with should contact the class teacher and make your request prior to the class sorting process. Students will be asked to select five stuents they would like to be with in 2025 and we will do our best to ensure they are with at least two of these students. To make sure all the classes are evenly balanced, we cannot always meet every request, but all requests will be carefully considered. We will not be able to move students after classes are announced, so please make your requests as early as possible.
Just a reminder that the students are not to give chocolates or candy canes to each other. Exchanging Christmas cards is fine, but do not include any sweet treats. We need to look after our students and ensure they are only eating what their parents have provided.
At Christmas time, people often wish to express their gratitude with gifts. While I am always pleased to receive messages of thanks, please consider making a donation to a charity, rather than giving me any gifts. There are so many people in need in this world. A donation to the Catholic Education Foundation or to St Vincent de Paul would be a great way to give to those in need.
Wishing you peace and blessings,
Carolyn Parsell