Languages Domain

Laura Ritchie - Languages Domain Leader

The Education Perfect Languages Competition took place in Term 2. Running over a week, students received points for every correct item of vocabulary they could remember in any of the languages on offer. Well done to the students who received top points at the school - Lily P, Violet S, Ryan M, Francine B and Mia K. 


A number of students from Year 7-10 took part in the Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition on Friday 10th May. Students were required to practice a learn a set French poem and recite it to an examiner from the Alliance Française. This year the theme of the poems was Les Jeux Olympiques (The Olympic Games). Thanks to all our participants for their hard work preparing for the competition, and the French teachers for helping and supporting our students. Congratulations to Holly T in Year 10 who is through to the finals later in the year! 


Charlotte (Year 9) and Fiona (Year 7)
Charlotte (Year 9) and Fiona (Year 7)

Continuing with the upcoming Olympics, students studying French at the Bluff Road Campus have been to take part in an Olympics Twinning Program, where we have been matched with a school in France. Students have been working in groups to create projects so that the school in France can learn all about our school and the local area. Students have also worked together to record interviews with different staff and students that we will be sharing with the French school. It has been great to see students working together across the different year levels.  


To celebrate the end of Semester 1, our Year 7 students delved into the art of Chinese calligraphy in their Chinese class. They were introduced the techniques of this ancient art form, practicing the delicate strokes needed to create beautiful characters. The students showed great enthusiasm and creativity, tried the brush movements and selected a character to write from the list. It’s not easy work but the students did a great job!