College Principal

Why values matter.

Education Perfect (EP) in Years 7-9

In an effort to enhance support for our students' learning, we aim to utilise Education Perfect as a homework and learning support tool across English, Maths, Humanities, and HPE. Unfortunately, some families have faced challenges in accessing this valuable resource due to financial constraints. We understand the difficulties families may have with the cost of living. Please contact the school to discuss potential financial assistance for EP; we are here to help.


Why Education Perfect?

Education Perfect can be customised to support students at various levels. It provides real-time feedback to teachers on students' understanding of class content, enabling timely intervention. This feedback allows teachers to re-teach areas with common misconceptions or to provide additional support to individual students. Education Perfect also supplements student learning; if students struggle to grasp concepts in class, EP can assist them to grasp a skill or core knowledge.


Course Counselling

Course counselling and subject selections for 2025 are approaching quickly. Our school is committed to empowering students with choice and voice in their learning journey, and the process of guiding students through their choices is multi-faceted. Below are key details:


When will course handbooks for 2025 be available for students and parents? Course handbooks for 2025 are now accessible on the school website.


When does my child need to submit their course selections? Online course selections open on Thursday, 27 June, and close on Monday, 15 July.


How does my child enter their subject choices? Students enter their subject choices via WebChoices, an online portal. Students will receive an email containing a link to access their WebChoices form.


What support will my child receive to make their subject choices?

  • Week starting 22 July: Year 10 into 11 course counselling sessions.
  • Week starting 29 July: Year 9 into 10 course counselling sessions.

What is the process? Students and parents review course handbooks on the school website, attend information sessions, select subjects, receive counselling on choices, and confirm or adjust their course selections based on suitability.


Will my child automatically get all of their chosen subjects? While the school aims to support all students in their preferred pathways, final subject decisions rest with the school. We ask parents to trust our guidance, recognizing our understanding of each student as a learner and our expertise as educators.


Can my child take a VCE subject early? Students interested in early VCE enrolment must meet suitability criteria, including recommendation by the relevant subject teacher, good attendance, high effort levels, and strong literacy skills.


Students not approved for early VCE enrolment will be offered an alternative subject.

Staff Changes


Lisa O'Shannessy - Food studies

Natasha Clarke - Digitech/Humanities

Aoife Kennelly - Maths/Science

Kathleen Constanti - English

Cian Scanlon - Biology/Science 

Jessica Mortlock - Dance Academy


On Leave

Amy Hooper - Biology/Science (Frank McNamara as Year Level Leader for all of Year 10)

Ellie Fisher - Food Tech/English

Sarah McIntosh - Science/Photography



Catherine Kennedy - Digitech

Kristina Hardner - Dance Academy

Why what we say matters - addressing casual racism.

What is casual racism? 

Casual racism is one form of racism. It refers to conduct involving negative stereotypes or prejudices about people on the basis of race, colour or ethnicity. Examples include jokes, off-handed comments, and exclusion of people from social situations on the basis of race. 


How is it different from other types of racism? 

Some associate racism with a belief in racial superiority or deliberate acts of discrimination. Casual racism concerns not so much a belief in the superiority of races but negative prejudice or stereotypes concerning race. Unlike overt and intentional acts of racism, casual racism isn’t often intended to cause offence or harm. 


Doesn’t the lack of intent means that casual racism isn’t really racism? 

One of the obstacles to having an open conversation about race is the tendency to downplay things as not “truly” or “really” racist. This can embolden or encourage prejudice. You don’t need to subscribe to doctrines of racial superiority or incite racial violence to say or do something with racist implications. Racism is as much about impact as it is about intention. We shouldn’t forget about those who are on the receiving end of discrimination. 


Why should we care about casual racism? 

Like other forms of racism, casual racism can marginalise, denigrate or humiliate those who experience it. Harm can occur even if conduct isn’t motivated by hate or malice. Research demonstrates that racism can have adverse effects on people's physical and mental health. It can cause anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and high blood pressure. Racism can also exclude the target from wider society. It sends a message that they aren’t welcome. It reinforces social barriers and attacks the dignity of the victim as an equal member of society. It can undermine civility and social cohesion. In many cases people do not recognise their words and deeds are racist. It’s simply seen as part of Australian culture to ‘take the piss’ out of people. I don’t see that casual racism, via ignorant commentary or jokes, is acceptable. People who perceive they have the right and luxury to engage in racist practices do not understand that they are adding to a lifetime of injury for those of us who have had to navigate racism.


Does this mean I can’t joke about things? 

Being aware of casual racism involves recognising that we are all accountable for the things we say or do. Making casually racist jokes or comments can have a negative impact upon a target individual or group. Casual racism can fuel prejudice and discrimination. Joking about matters of race – particularly of people of a different background – can also lead others to form unfavourable impressions of you. 


What should I do when I encounter casual racism? 

A change in social attitudes is necessary for combatting casual racism. Everyone can contribute to this change through speaking up against racism when they encounter it. You could start a conversation with a friend, family member, colleague or teammate. This could, for example, involve pulling them aside to ask them what they mean by their comment. Or to ask them how they would feel if they were subjected to stereotypes. 


For more information on what you can do to take a stand against racism, take a look at our ‘Tips for Bystanders’: 1


Survey respondent, National Anti-Racism Strategy consultation, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2011


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