External Training - VET Courses

Applications for Year 11 and 12 2025 VETDSS courses are currently open

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The VETDSS (VET courses Delivered to Secondary Students) program is an outstanding opportunity for students to undertake a VET qualification at an external training facility, while completing their West Australian Certificate of Education at The King's College. Key features of the program are:

  • Student attends a Vocational Education and Training course at a venue that is external to The King's College campus (usually a TAFE or other RTO campus) one day per week.
  • Students complete their WACE subjects at The College on the remaining days of the week. 
  • The student's subject load at school drops from 6 subjects to 5 subjects for the duration of the VET course.
  • Completion of the course contributes to WACE attainment in the form of C grades for each semester that the student is enrolled and subsequently completes the VET course.
  • Courses delivered through the State Government approved VETDSS program are mostly at no cost. There are some exceptions where specific equipment or other factors are relevant. These costs are outlined on the course summary information.
  • Courses can be completed during year 11 or 12. 
  • Sudents must be able to make their way to and from the external training campus and have the self-management skills required to manage their VETDSS workload and make up for missed lessons from school while they are at the course.

Process of applying for a VETDSS position

  • Families are invited to review the Course offerings at South Metro TAFE and North Metro TAFE and should consider courses that:
    • Are in alignment with the students interests and aspirations.
    • Are located at a campus that the student is able to attend.
    • Are provided on a day of the week that students are able to attend.
  • Once a proposed course/s has been identified, students are encouraged to apply for enrolment with the relevant training organisation.
  • Students can increase their chances of enrolment into VETDSS courses by obtaining work experience and endeavouring to meet literacy and numeracy standards. The student statement is also a key aspect of the application process with the Registered Training Organisation.
  • Once the applications close, TKC will be notified of a list of 1st round offers for successful students and provide an endorsement to the Training Organisation that the College supports the application. (usually in September). This will involve a meeting with The King's College to review the student's timetable and courses, ensure that all parties are agreeable and that there is a plan in place to ensure the student will still achieve their WACE.
  • Second round offers will be made (roughly around October time)
  • Once endorsed by The King's College, the student's enrolment will be confirmed by the Registered Training Organisation to commence the following year)

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