From the Principal

Good morning to all our families and community members,
Semester one concludes today. Thankyou to the many staff finalising assessments. A report writing day has been scheduled for 18th June. Only students participating in the GAT (General Achievement Test) are required at school. I am certain students are looking forward to their new electives and our Yr 12 students have nearly finished their final year of school.
This week, School Council met and we still have a few parent vacancies. If you are interested in joining School Council as a parent representative, please contact Alli Betts in the General Office. These are two year positions.
Under the Act and Ministerial Order 1280, a School Council has a particular function in establishing the school’s broad direction and vision. Members assist in the efficient governance of the school, ensure that decisions affecting students of the school are made having regard, as a primary consideration, to the best interest of the students. School Council members also ensure the school and the council complies with any requirements of the Act, the Regulations, a Ministerial Order or a direction, guideline or policy issued under the Act.
The functions and powers of a school council are specified in the Act and include:
- establishing the broad direction and vision of the school within the school’s community
- approving the annual budget and monitoring expenditure
- raising funds for school-related purposes
- having general oversight over the school’s grounds and buildings
- providing the cleaning and sanitary services that are necessary for the school
- ensuring that all money coming into the council is used for proper purposes relating to the school
- the provision of meals and refreshments for the staff and students of the school and charging for those meals or refreshments
- entering into contracts, such as for cleaning in regional schools or construction work
- reporting annually to the school community and to the department
- creating interest in the school in the wider community
- taking into account the views of the school community
- developing, reviewing or updating school policies that fall within a school council’s responsibilities
- regulating and facilitating the after-hours use of the school premises and grounds, for example: managing the hire, licence and shared use of school facilities
- entering into community joint use agreements (CJUAs), which are suitable for constructing jointly-used community facilities such as stadiums, sporting grounds and theatres13 regulating and facilitating the after-hours use of the school premises and grounds, for example: managing the hire, licence and shared use of school facilities
- if desired, the school council of a school that provides primary education and in relation to which the council is constituted may provide preschool programs at the school or other premises controlled by the Minister.
School Uniform
I would like to take this opportunity to mention school uniform, particularly as the winter season is upon us.
Section 26(1) © - Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Vic) authorises the school council to develop a dress code that covers any matters which a school council considers appropriate in relation to:
- clothing and other items worn, carried or used
- grooming
- physical appearance and the general presentation of students
The principal of a government school may determine the consequences to be imposed on a student for not wearing the school uniform in accordance with:
- a determination on school uniforms made by the school council and
- any Ministerial Order in relation to student discipline
But the principal must be satisfied that the:
- student's failure to wear the uniform was because of the student's disobedience
- consequences must be reasonable, and
- dress code policy has been brought to the attention of the students and parents.
I am asking for parental support in ensuring all items of clothing are school uniform. If support is required in purchasing uniform items please do not hesitate to contact the College.
The College uniform policy can be found on our website Our Policies - Mornington Secondary College (
Thankyou for your ongoing support. We are a great community.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 2
Monday 17th June - Semester 2 Begins
Tuesday 18th June - Year 12 GAT and Teacher Report Writing Day - Student Free
Thursday 20th to Friday 21st June - Year 12 Outdoor Ed Snow Camp
Tuesday 25th June - SMR Cross Country - Ballam Park
Tuesday 25th June - 2025 Course Information Evening - 5.00pm to 7.00pm
Thursday 27th June - Year 12 Fancy Dress Evening - Frankston Arts Centre
Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term 2 - 2.30pm Dismissal
Term 3
Monday 15th July - Term 3 Commences
Tuesday 16th July - Whole School Assembly
Monday 22nd to Friday 26th July - Grade 4 and 5 Science Fair Week
Friday 26th July to Tuesday 6th August - Osaka Exchange
Friday 26th July - Year 9 Course Counselling
Tuesday 30th July to Thursday 1st August - College Production
Friday 2nd August - Year 10 2024 into Year 11 2025 Course Counselling
Friday 9th August - Staff Professional Development Day - Student Free
Thursday 22nd August - Parent Teacher Interviews - At school and online
Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th August - Music Camp
Wednesday 11th September - Year 7 & 8 Showcase - Science, Humanities and Japanese
Thursday 12th September - 2025 Parent Information Evening - 5.00pm to 6.00pm
Friday 13th September - Staff Professional Development Day - Student Free
Monday 16th to Friday 20th September - Year 12 completing Units 3 and 4 - Trial Exams
Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September - Year 12 Revision Lectures
Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm Dismissal
Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents.
Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.
Middle School
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members,
I heard on the news this morning that starting in 2025, Victorian state schools will adopt a comprehensive phonics-based approach to improve reading levels for students in Prep to Year 2.
Phonics, a method that teaches children to decode words by sounds, has been shown to significantly enhance reading proficiency.
I know myself, if I come across an unfamiliar word, I automatically decode the sounds and blends to make it sound right. As adults, we still find ourselves sounding out words or looking at blends to make sense of a word or words. Having students become familiar with the vowel sounds (short and long) are foundational skills necessary for successful reading and comprehension.
Reading is not only crucial in the early years of schooling but remains a vital skill throughout secondary education. Proficient reading enables students to understand and make sense of complex texts, which is essential for learning and excelling in all subjects. Whether it's comprehending a science textbook, analysing a novel in English, or following instructions in a math problem, strong reading skills underpin academic success across the board. Beyond school, reading is an essential life skill that supports personal and professional growth.
Wishing you a great week.
Denise Leggett
Middle School Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
As this newsletter is released, the mid-year exams for Years 10 & 11 will be complete, so too the VCE VM presentation interviews, and we will be preparing for the official start of semester two classes on Tuesday 17th June. Our Year 12 students have commenced Unit 4 coursework in many cases and have just 11 weeks of classes before they start trial exams in the final week of Term 3. It really is going to be a busy period for them. The Year 10 Team, led by Jake Uhlenberg and the Year 11 team led by Dr Jasmine Keough have done a fantastic job overseeing the exam period and I’m impressed with the attitude towards these exams by 99% of the cohort.
Second semester student programs are an opportunity for students to start afresh, set new goals and further develop effective learning behaviours. While our Year 12s will have their final ever full term, the Year 10 and 11s are moving into a critically important phase as they finalise their pathway. Whether students have met all their Semester 1 goals or not, reflection and a renewed determination will be vital as they seek to achieve their personal best.
Course Selection Information Night
A must attend event for all Year 9-11 students and parents. This year’s information night will be held on Tuesday 25th June. A great opportunity to speak to teachers about different subjects, the Careers team about different pathways and school leaders about anything you want to know. I look forward to seeing you there!
VCAA End-of-Year Exams
VCAA recently released the timetable for the end of year exams and it can be found by following this link – VCAA End of Year Exam Timetable. At Mornington Secondary College, we start our formal exam preparation from week 10 in Term 3 (9th September). This provides our students just over 3 school weeks and 7 weeks in total on exam preparation before the first written exam on the 29th October. More information about the exam preparation program will be made available during Term 3.
Year 12 GAT
Students have been distributed a GAT Information Brochure during an assembly this week and Year 12 students will undertake GAT preparation sessions through the Connect and ROADMAP programs beginning next week. VCE VM students will prepare in their VM Literacy and Numeracy classes while Year 11 students studying a Year 12 subject will receive a GAT information session and brochure.
For more information about the GAT, please go to
Last week we found out a little more about our College Captains and this week I’d like to introduce you to a couple of our hard-working Year 12 Captains. We have four in total in 2024 and I’ll include student profiles for two more next week. Our Year 12 Captains are responsible for planning Year 12 events & fundraisers (with help of the Year 12 Team), while also being valued members of the Captain’s council. Recently the Year 12 Captains have put together a proposal for a Year 12 Mental Health Week, which will be the last week of this term.
Name: Owen Norton
Year Level: Year 12
Favourite Mornington Subject: Units 3&4 Physics, all time 1&2 Specialist Math
Favourite teacher: Mrs Reeman and Mrs Austin
Siblings: One Brother; Rhys, who is 2 years younger
Pets: One dog Ebony and one grey-British short hair cat, Charlie
What primary school did you go to: Benton Junior College
Favourite sporting team(s): Essendon
All-time best movie/tv/other quote: "The world is given to me only once, not one existing and one perceived. Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist.” -Erwin Schrödinger.
What do you want to be in future: In the future: I want to be a doctor and help others
Best MSC excursion or camp that you’ve been on: The best MSC excursion I've been on is the GTAC excursion where we went to the city and met people who study immunology and did experiments with their equipment
Advice for primary school students: Enjoy high-school, try new things, discover who you are and what you like. Most importantly keep growing as a person throughout
If I won a million dollars, I would… Save it, so I can retire sooner and enjoy living earlier without the stress of work, deadlines, etc.
Name: Lily Milner
Year Level: Year 12
Favourite Mornington Subject: Health and Human Development
Favourite teacher: Ms Dixon
Siblings: 1 brother
Pets: Two black and white cats called Bear and Theodore
What primary school did you go to: Tyabb Primary School
Favourite Sporting team(s): Richmond
All-time best movie/tv/other quote: “Honey, it was ruined when she bought it.” - The Cat in The Hat
What do you want to be in future: Speech pathologist
Best MSC excursion or camp that you’ve been on: Year 9 GRIT camp to Phillip Island
Advice for primary school students: Enjoy the time you have at primary school but also be excited for high school! You will meet so many more amazing people that are alike to you.
If I won a million dollars, I would… Go to peninsula hot springs everyday!
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
Applied Learning
Over the last term there have been a number of amazing opportunities occurring in our Applied Learning spaces at Mornington Secondary. We have had the opportunity to celebrate and host the Biggest Morning Tea, our Hands on Learning students have enjoyed working at the local Tanti Community Centre helping to create gardens having a go at decorating skateboards with their own designs. Year 12 Work Related Students have taught their class a number of safety lessons while cooking steak and toasted sandwiches! These students have also contributed to making our school gardens just a bit more beautiful by working in them to display particular skills for an assessment. Applied learning creates a wonderful opportunity for students to use real life application while establishing positive relationships with both their peers and staff.
Rebecca Slater
Applied Learning Leader
Year 7 Girls District Netball
Last Wednesday 5th June, 16 Year 7 girls went out to compete in district netball. The A team swept though their games, coming out undefeated at the top of the ladder and securing themselves a spot in the next round. The B team had a tough draw but did an amazing job working together and applying feedback to finish 4th. Both teams did an wonderful job and played some fantastic netball!
Year 12 Business Management
Our Year 12 Business Management classes had a hands-on revision lesson making chocolate truffle balls for Operations Management.
The aim of the task was for students to apply their knowledge of technological advancements, materials management and quality strategies to propose for efficient and effective ways a business could make this product.
A big thank you to Mrs Stanton for coming in and helping us out for Monday’s lesson.
Kim Rattue & John Molino
Year 8 Girls Netball
Wednesday 12th June saw our Year 8 A & B netball teams take on the wintery conditions in our district Year 8 Netball competition.
All 18 girls showed excellent sportsmanship both within their teams and against the other five schools they played.
The B Team finished a respectable 3rd, with a number of girls excited to score goals and be given opportunities in shooting by our great Year 9 coach Kayla Christie.
Our A team held their ground against all teams, winning all five games very comfortably, again with most girls getting an opportunity to shoot goals.
The A team girls now move onto the next round in August. Congratulation to all girls involved either playing, coaching or scoring.
Kim Rattue
Year 12 TRAG Excursion
Last week the Year 12 students attended TRAG. TRAG stands for Teenage Road Accident Group – Drive 4 Life. TRAG is an innovative program designed to raise awareness to the dangers of modern driving for today’s teenagers. The group of presenters have all had firsthand experience of road trauma either as a responder or as a family member of a person or as a person who has been involved in a road collision. The students heard from police officers, SES volunteers, paramedics and parents of teenagers involved in road collisions. It was a very emotional experience to hear these first-hand accounts but all the students said it was a great experience and it did make them think about choices and what they would do in a situation, such as feeling unsafe in a car with friends or making sure the driver could concentrate.
When the students returned to school we had a BBQ together and we all had a chance to chat and reflect with staff and students on the experience.
Ms Jo Reeman
Year 12 Team Leader
Japanese Exchange Program - Seeking Host Families
Mornington Secondary College is happy to announce that we will be hosting some international students from Japan for a 10 day visit next term.
We will be seeking host families who are able to accommodate a junior high school student from Osaka between July 28th - August 6th. We are seeking a host family for one female student and six male students.
These students will attend MSC during their stay and participate in class experiences and some special program activities.
More information to follow.
If you would like more information, or would like to register an expression of interest to host a Japanese student please contact Mel Brindle:
Dr Jasmine Keough - Internship at Patterson River Secondary College
Dr Jasmine Keough, Year 11 Leading Teacher, will be at Patterson River Secondary College for 4 weeks (June 17 – July 27). Dr Keough was successful in her application for Unlocking Potential, the principal preparation course run by the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Learning. Mr Daniel Dew, the Principal, will be mentoring her with a focus on community engagement.
School Production - The Lightning Thief
Head to Trybooking via the QR code to get your production Tickets now!
We are offering 4 shows this year for our production of The Lightning Thief - A Percy Jackson Musical. Come along for a night of fun sticking it to the Greek Gods!
School Uniform Sale
Plenty of sizes still on offer.
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