Principal's Report

Term 4, Week 1

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back for Term 4! It is hard to believe we are now on the final run for the school year, but there is plenty happening over the next 10 weeks to keep us busy!


Dance Extravaganza

What an amazing spectacle our 2023 Dance Extravaganza was! Our students did a wonderful job on stage, looking fantastic in their costumes and performing their dances with great enthusiasm. The complete production was simply brilliant, I am very proud of our staff and students for bringing it all together on the night. A huge thank you to the organising committee, led by Mrs Michelle O'Connor, who did so much work behind the scenes to ensure the evening was a success. 


Narrabri Garden Club

We were privileged to be invited by the Narrabri Garden Club to participate in their 2023 Open Garden Day on Saturday 30th September. Mrs Sally Foster does a marvellous job in maintaining our school garden.  We were both delighted and proud to be able to showcase her hard work as a part of the Open Garden Day. 




End of Year Presentation Ceremony

This year will see a change in our Presentation Ceremony arrangements. 


Due to the growing size of our school community, and the busyness at the end of the school year, we have made the decision to move the Awards Presentation Ceremony to during the day on Wednesday 13 December. 

As demonstrated at the Dance Extravaganza, our school is now at a size where it is difficult to fit our whole school community in the main auditorium at the Crossing Theatre. Given that 300 seats will be required by staff and students at the Presentation Ceremony, this makes a night time event very difficult to manage. We are also mindful that at the end of the year, many families are busy with extra commitments and children are tired, making it a long night for all involved. 


Therefore, the decision to move the Presentation Ceremony to 10.00am has been made. 


We appreciate that this may make it difficult for parents to attend the event, however we are committed to informing parents and carers prior to the ceremony if their child will be receiving an award or being recognised. It is our intention to do this as early as possible to allow parents to make arrangements for work commitments. 




P&F Meeting

The Term 4 P&F Meeting will be held next Monday 16 October at 6.00pm. The P&F's major event for this term will be the Colour Run, being held on Friday 1 December. All proceeds raised from the Colour Run will go towards the purchase of a shade sail to be erected over the new Primary Play Equipment. All parents and friends are warmly invited to this meeting.


Term 4 Calendar Dates

In today's newsletter you will find the parent calendar with the Term 4 important event dates. There are a few dates to note for the end of the school year;

Friday 1 December - Colour Run

Sunday 3 December - Feast Day Celebration of St Francis Xavier

Thursday 7 December - 2024 Student Leadership Speeches and voting

Monday 11 December - Year 6 Graduation Mass and Pool Party

Wednesday 13 December - Presentation Ceremony

Friday 15 December - Last Day for staff and students


Acting Principal this week

This Thursday and Friday, I will be at the Polding Athletics Trials in Sydney supporting the Armidale Diocesan Team. Mrs Michelle O'Connor will be Acting Principal during my absence. 


Have a great week!
