Vocational Major

Maria Curphey -  Domain Leader

Bayside Careers Expo at Beaumaris Secondary College


On Thursday the 21 March, Year 11 and 12's attended a Careers Expo at Beaumaris Secondary College. It was great to see the students' asking questions and displaying excellent behaviour and manners. They gathered lots of information about careers that they had not considered previously and forged links with the local community.



Thoughts from a Year 11 student

"Vocational Major develops a range of work related and personal everyday skills you will need in life. VM gives students an opportunity to take a different course instead of VCE. The VM course lets you do a TAFE course every Wednesday and each Friday you go to a work placement related to your TAFE course. VM helps disadvantaged students achieve their goals and help hone your skills and achieve your goals. VM provides students with a variety of courses that you can choose from. The course I have chosen is cookery and I am studying at the William Angliss institute. I got into this TAFE course because of VM. They gave me the opportunity to study there."