School Council

School Council membership 2024
Parent members
- Daniel Bevz
- Rick Bottiiglieri
- Ben Gibson
- Fiona Limoli
- Tom Rundle
- Brian Stanley
- Robert Thorp
- Laura Tripp
Employee members
- Elisha Katsonis
- Jarrod Sutton
School Council Secretary
- Sandra Monaghan
Office Bearers
School Council President
Brian Stanley
School Council Vice President
Robert Thorp
School Council Treasurer
Tom Rundle
School Council Meeting Report 28 October 2024
School Council met on 28th October 2024. The meeting included a review of reports from various committees, a summary of discussions is provided below:
Junior School Council (JSC)
Two of our Junior School Council representatives, Layla and Holiday shared news of the important things they have been working on. This included:
- Promoting the Colour Fun Run to be held at Maribyrnong Park on Friday December 6th to raise money for the school and worthy charities.
- For every $20 raised donors can elect between charities that plant trees, distribute books, prepare and donate meals, rehabilitate coral reefs or cultivate sea grass for turtles. The JSC has promoted the event in class meetings and at school assembly.
- New school values: The JSC has dedicated time to reflect on and discuss our school values. The JSC supports the values of respect, collaboration, resilience and creativity.
- Renovations: The JSC noted that students are excited about the Little Adventure opening on Thursday in time for Halloween. Students have been advised that there is to be a roster for the new playground when it opens, so that every student can experience it.
- The JSC has been actively reminding students about the School’s “Nude food” policy to assist with the reduction of rubbish levels. The JSC has produced posters, and reminded students of the policy at assembly. Parents can send food with wrappers, but students are asked to keep the wrappers in their lunchbox.
Principal’s report
Jarrod's report covered several key updates:
- Enrolment: there will be 14 classes next year with 3 Foundation classes and multi age classes for the other years.
- The School has started its Transition Program for our future 2025 Foundation Students, providing opportunities for students to come in for 2-hour sessions. Parents have been invited to information sessions and there will be a final parent orientation day on December 10th. The school will be visiting local kindergartens to promote the School.
- Student free days for 2025: There will be 4 curriculum days and one common Teacher Professional Practice Day in 2025. They will be on Tuesday 28th January, Wednesday 29th January and Monday 3rd November 2025. The other 2 dates TBC.
- Year 1-6 students will commence school on Thursday 30th January 2025. Foundation students to have 3 days from home while teachers conduct assessment interviews, with fulltime school beginning on Tuesday 4th February.
- Class Placement: Forms to gather parent input on class placements will be sent soon. Teachers will consider existing groups, student development and parent insights. Students can nominate preferred classmates. The form will be shared via COMPASS.
- Camping Program: Year 2 sleepover was successfully held at the beginning of term in the updated Hall building, featuring a magician, a moonlight run and movie night.
- F/1 Activity Night will be on Thursday November 14th with pizzas and activities.
- Graduation: scheduled for December 17th, graduation will have student-led hosting, performances, dinner, ceremony, photos and a disco.
- AIP Update: Term 4 reflections on AIP goals to inform 2025 focus.
- Capital Works: Courtyard completion expected by the end of the month. The Lennox Street gate and access to the Little Adventure will be open on Thursday 31 October 2024. There will be a timetable for kids to access, so all can try, with priority given to years Foundation to 2. An official opening will be held before the end of the year.
Resources Committee
The School Council heard an update from the Resources Committee:
- Capital works nearly completed. Library Building and hall Building defects currently being addressed. It is expected that furniture and stored items in the shipping containers will be relocated to the new building during the remainder of the term.
- Upcoming fundraising events: Bunnings BBQ on 16th November and Colour Fun Run on 6th December.
- The Resources Committee have completed the Expression of Interest process for the OSHC Licence at MPW for the period 2025-2027.
Education committee
The committee presented on the discussions arising from the recent meeting:
- Behaviour processes: these have been documented (in a flowchart), reviewed with staff and will be communicated to students and parents via the School newsletter and then added to the School website.
- Values – respect, collaboration and resilience have been agreed. Creativity is to be added (on the recommendation of the JSC). JSC will communicate these to students. Work will be done for 2025 around defining these with students.
- Referral processes: processes for referrals (wellbeing and academic) have been discussed and documented. A simplified version will be added to the website for students and parents to access.
- Wellbeing component of the website to be updated. Suggestions from families to be incorporated.
- Discussion held on the implications of the departments approach to reading in years F-2. The school is currently reviewing reading across the school to begin any required changes from 2025.
- Policies reviewed: The Committee reviewed and updated the Child Safety Code of Conduct. The Committee is looking at other policies to be tabled at the next School Council meeting.
Ben Gibson
School Councillor
School Council and Sub Committee meetings
Monday 11th November
Education meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 12th November
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 25th November
School Council meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 10th December
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 16th December
School Council 6:00pm