Student Engagement & Wellbeing News

Respectful Relationships update
In Term 4, all students will participate in lessons around Topic 7 & 8:
- Topic 7 – Gender and Identity
- Topic 8 – Positive gender relations
The evidence base:
Research shows that children become aware of gender at an early age, being well aware of gender norms and making efforts to fit within gendered expectations by the time they are in kindergarten. As young children learn about gender, they may also begin to enact specific values, beliefs and attitudes. They may, for example, insist that some games are for boys and others for girls, and actively reject peers from certain games. This means that it is important to commence work on building positive gender relationships within these early years. The classroom activities in Topic 7 and 8 help students to explore gender identity, challenge stereotypes, and to learn to value and show respect for diversity and difference, and learn how to apply these attitudes within respectful gender relationships.
Some examples of activities students will participate in at various year levels:
Elisha Katsonis
Assistant Principal & Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader