Our Faith - Religion - Prayer 

St Patrick's Church Walcha 

For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070.


Monsignor Ted Wilkes would like to invite parishioners to Sunday Mass 10am.



Term 4 Mass Dates

Friday 1st November: Mass and First Reconciliation for eligible candidates at 11.30 am

Friday 15th November: Mass at 11.30am

Friday 13th December: End of Year and Year 6 Graduation Mass at 11.30am


Today is “United Nations Day”, being the day on which the UN was established in 1945, after the world had seen what total war could do. 


At the inaugural session of the United Nations in 1945 at the end of the Second World War, Britain’s Prime Minister - Clement Attlee - stated that “It is for the peoples of the world to make their choice between life and death.” 


We know that “peace” isn’t simply the “absence of war”, and so the UN seeks to promote good relationships between people and countries. The UN’s choices for “life” include working - for refugees, - in health care, - in the growing of food, and - in promoting science and culture. 


A passage in one of the first books of the Bible has God speaking these words about “choosing life”: “I set before you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life, then, so that you and your descendants may live in my love.” (Deut 30:19-20)




God our Father, 

peace in our world 

begins with the attitude

 and actions of individual people. 

We pray that we may live

 in such a way 

that we are positive 

in our attitude, 

choosing “life” 

in the small events of this day

- rather than choosing “death” 

that comes from a 

negative attitude of criticism

 and finding fault, 

of doing others down 

and being miserable. 

In choosing “life” 

rather than “death”,

 living positively and cheerfully, 

may we bring life to others. Amen.


First Reconciliation 

We extend our prayers to the six students currently engaged in the intermediate stages of their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. These students will continue attending preparation lessons every Monday as part of their Religious Education curriculum. They are scheduled to receive their First Reconciliation following the Mass on Friday, November 1st. Everyone is invited to join us for this special celebration.


OCTOBER - World Mission Month

Focus on Mission- Mongolia

This year we invite you to discover one of the smallest Catholic communities in the world, the Church of Mongolia, and the missionaries creating pathways of hope and equality.

Located between Russia and China, Mongolia is known for its harsh weather, often dropping to -40 degrees Celsius in winter, creating tough conditions for its people.

Rich in culture and tradition, Mongolia is a country of diversity and religiosity. From only 14 Mongolian Catholics recognised in 1995, the community has grown to 1500 Catholics in 2022.


As the missionaries work toward building a stronger economy and society, there is a critical need for people in vulnerable situations to access social services.

Finding its space in the Mongolian landscape, the Catholic Church has become an essential social services provider, bringing hope to many thanks to the dedication of the missionaries on the ground. This year, we amplify their voices around the world.


Our Mini Vinnies students are conducting the following fun activities to enjoy next week. 

Mini Vinnies Book Sale ($1 per book)- Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 

Crazy Hair and  Sock Day - Thursday 31st October - GOLD COIN Donation

Duct Tape the Staff Member Day!- Thursday 31st October- $1 per strip of duct tape!

Sacrament Dates for 2024

2024 First Reconciliation: Date has been set for our Catholic students in Years 2 and 3 for Friday 1st November 2024.

Catherine McAuley

Catherine’s spirituality was centred on the mercy of God…prayer in action…action in prayer.