
at Naranga

May Career News.

Important dates to remember.

  • May 22nd is Naranga’s Career Information Night. 
  • Beginning June 8th year 11s take part in the Morrisby My Career Insights.
  • June 20th, year 11 & 12 students will visit Chisholm Frankston for a morning walk-through & information session. 





Naranga community come along to our Career Information Night. Meet providers and find out about Day Services, Disability Employment Services, educational options & pathways. This is your opportunity to meet and connect with the Brotherhood of St Laurence for NDIS/SLES information and support. Naranga School students will provide light refreshments. Leave with a show bag full of various information to help you make informed decisions about services, educational options and pathways. 





This term year 11 students will take part in Morrisby My Career Insights. My Career Insights helps students make more informed and confident choices in their subject selections in senior secondary school, and to support career transition decisions and conversations. The consent form and flyer will be sent home soon.

Towards the end of June, Year 11 & 12 students will visit Chisholm Frankston. Students will see various facilities, classrooms and industry training areas. This visit offers students an insight into future possibilities to post school education and training.

Well-done Kai. As mentioned in an earlier newsletter. Year 11, Kai Little participated in the Australian Defense Assistance program for a one-day work experience. Kai made his way to St Kilda Road Barracks with another four students from across Victoria to participate in various work-related activities.