Physical Education

This week all our lower junior students have been focusing on circuit training. The main focus is on introducing students to movement patterns, such as weaving, hopping using alternate feet and explosive actions through through bending their body in order to touch specifically placed cones on the ground set wide apart.

Our students have also been introduced to a modified game of ball tag, where the students are given more freedom with the ball, and have to make decisions within the game at a quicker rate.


Our senior school have been introduced to multisport. This is a game where there are three sports (Soccer, European handball and Basketball) that depending on which ball I place in the middle of the court, the students will then play that sport until a goal is scored.

It is a fun and fast activity where all students will enjoy the variety of activities.




Huge congratulations to all our 7 Naranga legends who have made it through to the State Cross Country in July next term.


Alice Huddy

Aliesha Smith

Maddison Palmer

Wyatt Sutherland

Alex Willis 

Jayda Jeffrey-Casey 

David Craig


Congratulations kids, fantastic effort from last week to make it into the State finals.


Training will recommence in the lead up to the event run by myself at lunchtime on the Tuesday and Thursday beginning early June.  This gives us close to a month of training.


Another fantastic week from all our students. It is very encouraging to see each week our students giving PE a really decent effort, whilst hopefully having fun and improving their skills. From a very happy PE teacher I would like to say thank you to all our wonderful students.


Andy Craig

PE teacher