Home Economics 

with Ms Athiniotis


This week our students learned how to make two different types of slices to share for Mother’s Day. Senior students prepared a chocolate slice, and upper junior students prepared a coconut raspberry slice. They measured and prepared the biscuit bases and added the toppings before baking. These recipes are easy to prepare and delicious as a special treat. I know all the cooking students enjoyed sampling the slices and are excited to bring home what they made. 




250g butter

1 cup sugar

3 tablespoons cocoa

2 cups coconut

2 cups cornflakes

2 cups plain flour

2 teaspoons baking powder.

¼ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 



1.Preheat oven to moderate 180C. Lightly grease 23 x 30 cm slice tin with melted butter or oil; line base with baking paper, extending over 2 sides.

2. Very gently melt the butter in a big pan. Take off the heat. Stir in sugar and cocoa. 

3. When sugar is dissolved, stir in coconut and cornflakes. Stir in sifted flour, baking powder, salt and add vanilla. Press it all firmly into the tin, smoothing surface with the back of a spoon. 

4. Bake for 20- 25 minutes, until set. Leave to cool in tin. To make icing, sift icing sugar and cocoa into a small bowl; add butter and icing. Sprinkle with coconut. Cut into pieces. 





125 g butter                                     

½ cup sugar                                         

1 egg 

1 1/2 cups plain flour                        

1 teaspoon baking powder     

½ cup raspberry jam

Topping: 1 egg, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 cup coconut. Method: Beat egg lightly. Mix in sugar and coconut.



  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Grease a 20 cm tin or small Swiss roll tin.
  2. Melt butter gently in a pan or the microwave. Take off the heat. Whisk sugar and egg together. Sift in flour and baking powder. Mix well and press evenly into tin.  
  3. Spread jam evenly over the biscuit layer using a knife or the back of a spoon. Put egg, sugar and coconut in a bowl and mix well. Sprinkle and spread the topping evenly. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool it in the tin then slice.

           Step 2                                           Step 3                                            Step 4