School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school


The introductory session for bike Ed kicked off with everyone gathering to do the bike check with Madame Lee and her bike, followed by some safety rules and then a practice ride.

The big event for putting 'all that has been learnt' into practice will be on our Tour De Newham on 13th November. 

If on this day students are not feeling comfortable to ride their bike, they can walk or even bring their scooter and scoot!

Parent helpers are welcome. Our journey will be up Jim Road and back. The Tour Riders will depart the carpark at 10am.


Forces at Play

Foundation/1 went to Wesley Park to test out the forces at play on the equipment. Students discussed push, pull, gravity and friction and how these were used in various ways at the playground. 

Magnet City

3-4 have been learning about how magnetic forces work. They were given a brief to design a game using their knowledge of magnets. After making their games, they invited F-1 to try them out!

Sunglasses Day

Sunglasses Day was an event organised by the senior students in an effort to raise money for new soccer nets. 

Halloween Dress Up

We saw some spooky characters at school last week!