Grade 1

Michele Bowes & Megan Cameron , Jake Gordon & Jessica Maddock

We have had an amazing start to the 2024 school year in Year 1. We have been going through the qualities that make up a good learner and how these overlap or are different in each subject. We have also been going through and looking at examples of how we conduct ourselves according to the 3 school values. The students have developed good habits and are becoming well accustomed to the new routines and rituals that help to organise our day. We commenced swimming lessons this week and the children were full of excitement and energy as for many this was their first experience leaving the school. Their behaviour on the bus and at the swimming centre was absolutely outstanding and we were so proud of their attitudes and willingness to step out of their comfort zones. We are excited to see where we can this group of students this year on their learning journey.

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