Merbein P-10 College Events

Date Issued:  

            August 31, 2023    

Merbein P-10 College

188-206 Commercial Street Merbein VIC, 3505

Phone 0350252501


Term 3


Monday 28th August to Friday 8th September

Year 10 Work Experience


Friday - 1st

4/5/6 ichoose Day

Friday - 8th 

Summer Sports Merbein District Sports

Thursday - 14th

Cafeteria Closed

Friday - 15th

Cafeteria Closed


Friday - 15th

Last day of Term 3

OSHC finishes at the earlier time of 5pm

Term 4


Monday - 2nd

 Student Free Day


Friday - 1st

Year 10's final day

Tuesday - 5th

Year 10 Mildura Senior College Orientation

Wednesday - 6th

Year 10 Mildura Senior College Orientation

Thursday - 7th

Year 10 Mildura Senior College Orientation


School Term Dates


Term 1

30/01/2023  -  06/04/2023

Term 2

24/04/2023  -  23/06/2023

Term 3

10/07/2023  -  15/09/2023

Term 4

02/10/2023  -  20/12/2023


Student Free Day

School Council has approved a student free day on Monday October 2nd. Much of this day will be spent moving out of the current main building and into the temporary newspaces prior to demolition. Early in Term 4 the remaining old section of the main building will

be decommissioned and then demolished in readiness for Stage 3 of the building project to get underway. 

No students will attend school on this day.

Cafeteria & Breakfast Club Closing

On the last two days of this term, Thursday 14th and Friday 15th September, Breakfast Club and the Cafeteria will not be operating. This is to enable staff to move the cafeteria equipment to a temporary setting, in readiness for the demolition work in Term 4. Please ensure your child brings their own snacks and lunch on these days and has breakfast before coming along to school. Thanks for your co-operation during this time.

Prep / One Excursion

Where: Woodsies Rock Shop and Park for Play.

When:  Wednesday 13th September   9:15am-1:30pm

What to bring:  Packed lunch, recess, water bottle, hat and sunscreen.


Cost: $10 

Consent to be given via COMPASS.











Canteen Prices

Vaccinations at Doctors in Schools

Doctors in Schools will do catch up vaccinations for students that missed out this year.  

Flu vaccinations are also available for a small charge of $15, which should be paid to the College office.

 If you would like an appointment contact the College office on 50 252 501

Doctors in School

Unfortunately the Doctor has had to take leave for the next 2 weeks so there won't be any Dr's appointments available however the nurse will continue to run the clinic during this time so immunisation appointments will still be available.