Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

JulietPACFor your enthusiasm and positive attitude towards learning. Brilliant work, Juliet!
SadiePAKFor the enthusiasm and effort you apply to your learning. Keep it up!
AkoiPBDFor being an excellent classroom helper and always making sure the classroom is tidy at the end of the day. Keep it up Akoi!
Lennox PLBFor always applying his personal best effort, particularly during independent learning. You're a superstar Lennox!
Noah1JMFor the positive attitude and enthusiasm that you display towards your learning. Fantastic effort! 
Mohammed1JSFor showing respect through his actions to all of his peers during learning and play time.
Lachy1LEFor participating in class discussions and sharing his experiences with the class.
Evie1LLFor the positive growth mindset you showed when doing spelling and writing this week.
Ismael1MMFor writing an amazing story. You had an interesting lead and great word choice. Keep up the great writing Ismael!
Alessandro2BLFor showing respect to his friends and teachers. Alessandro participates in all activities with enthusiasm and shows pride in his work at all times. Well done, Alessandro!
Remy2CWFor applying a growth mindset to all tasks. Great work Remy!
Elliot2DKFor being a kind and considerate classmate. The way that you support others is fantastic. We are lucky to have you in our grade!
Lexie2MMFor coming to school every day with a growth mindset and an enormous smile on your face. You always follow our school rules and you are a kind and caring friend.
Juniper2TFFor demonstrating consistent attentive listening throughout Term 1. Keep up the great work, Juni!
Audra3KTFor putting in her personal best effort during NAPLAN and taking her time to carefully check her work.
Benjiman3MPFor his growth mindset during NAPLAN. You're a superstar!
Leah3TMFor always completing your class work to a high level and working well in group activities. Thank you, Leah!
Sam3TNFor showing terrific focus during maths sessions and sharing your strategies with the class. Great job Sam!
Mark4AFFor stepping outside of his comfort zone on year 4 camp, especially on the flying fox!
Nora4CMFor enthusiastically having a go at everything on camp and being an encouraging and positive group member.
Harrison4MKFor participating in all camp activities with a growth mindset and demonstrating a responsible attitude throughout. Fantastic effort Harrison!
Julian5HTFor always coming to school with a smile and bringing positive energy to the classroom. You're a superstar!!
Hudson5LWFor your amazing artistic skills - you're a superstar!
Jack5RCFor his amazing assistance to all staff, kindness to others and exceptional literary creations make you a standout member of our school community. We are proud of you and well done!
Phoenix5TCFor his effort to complete NAPLAN and improve his focus within the classroom. Keep up the amazing work!
Gabriella6KRFor maintaining a growth mindset when facing challenging learning tasks (and the ongoing challenge of an organised and inviting classroom).
Nancy6MAFor being an inclusive and supportive group member. Great job involving your group members and utilising your creative design skills. Keep it up Nancy!
Ateeba6MIFor always being a kind and respectful member of 6MI. Your hardwork and growth mindset are really showing!
George6MPFor your enthusiastic participation during our daily reviews. You set a great example for others to follow.
Aryan Kantharaju - 5LWTheirCareFor helping and assisting the younger children in making their breakfast in the morning. Well done, Aryan!!