Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this week’s newsletter:

  • Congratulations, Reminders and Appreciations
    • Congrats Dan and Jess
    • PA Sausage sizzle (orders now closed) to be held next Wednesday
    • Easter raffle - entries and donation collection concludes on Monday
    • Grade 4 camp 
    • Book Fair
  • News
    • NAPLAN concludes today
    • Latest video presentation - Grade 5 Science incursion
    • School Council will meet on Monday
    • Soap dispensers in main toilets
    • Parents Association Meeting
  • Coming Up
    • Ride2School Day
    • Grade 6 social event
    • Assembly tomorrow
    • The World’s Greatest Shave
    • Kids’ Share afternoon
    • No canteen next week
    • Wigs for Kids gold coin donation casual dress day next Thursday 28th March
    • School term concludes with a 2.40pm dismissal next Thursday, 28th March
  • Repeated (and updated) Messages

Congratulations, Reminders and Appreciations

Congratulations - to Dan Whiting and partner Jess on the news of the birth of Kian yesterday, a little brother for Lucy.  We will share a picture when we receive one.


FWPS Parent Association Sausage Sizzle - There has been great support for the return of the FWPS Parent Association Sausage Sizzle next Wednesday, 27th March. Orders were closed earlier in the week.  TheirCare, our Out of School Hours Care provider, has generously offered to donate all the sausages and bread for this event.


Easter Raffle 2024 - Thank you to all who have supported the FWPS Parents Association Easter Raffle, with all profits directed towards the cost of replacing the basketball court surface. Tickets will be available until Monday. Donations can be made to the office by the end of day this Monday.


All these amazing donations will be sorted into hampers on Tuesday, 26th of March from 9am to 11am in the FWPS Staff Room. If you can spare some time to help, please join us (little kids are welcome).


The hamper winners (one per grade) will be announced at our final Term 1 assembly, after 1.40pm next Thursday.


Grade 4 Camp at Campaspe Downs - A very big appreciation to attending staff members, led ably by Anthea and supported by Medha, Caitlyn and Ryan.  The parent helpers; Julie Matthews, Kate Spencer, Craig Newell and Daniel Boscolo were outstanding.  I enjoyed attending and was very appreciative of the collaboration between staff, parents and a wonderful group of grade 4 campers.


Book Fair - The return of the Book Fair before and after school this week has only been possible due to the wonderful preparation and ‘can do’ attitude of our Librarian/Learning Tutor, Heather, who with the assistance of office team member, Sharon and members of the leadership team and Parents Association, have managed to serve many enthusiastic students this week.  A big thank you to parents and carers for your support, as with one payment terminal available, queuing was the order of the day!


NAPLAN effectively concludes today with the final assessment tasks for the grade 3s (Numeracy).  Well done to the grade 3 and 5 students with the support of the grade 3 and 5 team for demonstrating a collaborative and positive attitude over the two weeks of NAPLAN.  Final catch ups for grade 3 numeracy and conventions of language and grade 5 reading and numeracy will be held tomorrow and on Monday.


Grade 5 - Science Incursion - Thanks to the students in 5HT and 5TC for preparing the following video:


School Council… will meet on Monday in person.  As this second meeting of the year, will be the first of the 2024 Council, we will welcome new members Evie Bohan (parent), Alicia Madden (Parents Association Community position) and Bec Grieve (staff).  A report will be included in next week’s newsletter.


Soap Dispensers - Unfortunately the supply of soap dispensers we purchased for use in our main student toilets have not proven robust enough. Recently two units were broken through misuse. This has happened on multiple occasions and has consequently led to soap at times not being available. While we source some more suitable units, we would appreciate your assistance. Toilets are not a play space. This point will be made at assembly, a point we would appreciate families reinforcing at home.


Parents Association Meeting... will be held tomorrow in the staff room in 8.50am. Please read the PA news in today's newsletter.

Coming Up… 

Ride2School - The annual event encouraging students to access school using their own power is celebrated tomorrow. The weather forecast indicates that this would be a great day to ride.


Grade 6 social event - The tradition of holding a grade 6 social event will be held during sessions 4 and 5 tomorrow in the Gecko.  At this the activities are organised and presented by the school and class captains, supported by their class teachers.


The grade 6 cohort have permission to wear casual clothing tomorrow.


Assembly tomorrow - Tomorrow it will be 5TC’s turn to present their grade’s assembly item.


The World’s Greatest Shave - As reported recently in the newsletter and at assembly, brave grade 6 student Clementine Murray will have her hair shaven for the Leukaemia Foundation tomorrow.  Her teacher, Marshal will be doing the honours in the gallery space with a lunchtime audience of students who would like to support Clem. At the time of writing Clem had already raised $1442. Wonderful! You are welcome to support her efforts - please see the link below.


You can support her target (below) in Repeated (and Updated) Messages.


Kids’ Share Afternoon - After school next Tuesday will provide parents and carers the opportunity to attend your child’s grade 1-6 classroom for our Kids’ Share afternoon.  This will be held at the end of the day in all grade 1-6 classrooms next Tuesday, 26th March.


No canteen next week - The canteen will not operate next week due to the combination of the short week and the decision to run our PA sausage sizzle on Wednesday.


Wigs for Kids - Don’t forget next Thursday, 28th March, the final day of term, we are encouraging our community to wear a wig and bring a gold coin donation for the Wigs for Kids charity fundraiser.  Our Prep teacher Lauren Baker will be shaving her hair for charity during the holidays and has currently raised $3003 towards a (revised) target of $5500.


You can support her target (below) in Repeated (and Updated) Messages.


Assembly final day - Next Thursday, 28th March, school will be dismissed at 2.20pm, an hour earlier at the conclusion of term.  Assembly will therefore also start earlier at 1.40pm.  As per regular assemblies, students will return to their classes to collect their belongings prior to dismissal.  The final assembly item will be presented by 5RC.  The TheirCare program will begin at this earlier time.





Repeated (and Updated) Messages…

Prep 2025 Enrolment Information - Prep 2025 Talks and Tours.  There will be four tours held over three dates, two weeks apart starting during week 2 of Term 2.  While there is no obligation to attend (especially for current families), families with a Prep 2025 starter are very welcome.  For new families, attendance is strongly encouraged.


Information can be obtained from our website: Book a Prep Enrolment Information Session and Tour here


Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) - If you have eligibility we don't want you to miss out. Please read the information included again this week in the 'From the Office Team' page. Please note the deadline for making an application is Friday, 28th June. 


Curriculum Contributions - A parent/carer payment contribution Compass post was forwarded to all families early in term and will be sitting near the top of your Compass tab.  We appreciate all who have supported our programs by making this payment already.


Car Park Access - A reminder that the car park is open prior to 8 am and after 4 pm daily for parent access for the Their Care OSHC program.  At other times please appreciate that the car park is for staff use.  Should you need to walk through to the Their Care location at Emu Corner, for safety’s sake we ask that you use the pedestrian gate next to the boom gate and make your way between Koala and the Wallaby buildings past Gecko via the basketball court through to Emu Corner.


Parent/Carer Volunteer Induction Please look out for the Compass post, pinned so it remains easily accessible. For all new families, or parents and carers who didn’t complete the online process last year, if you wish to assist in classrooms, excursions or camps, or volunteer for really any other purpose at FWPS, we need you to complete the modules online.  For parents/carers who did this last year, all you need to do is sign the relevant form at the office.  While the content will be adjusted when the Child Safety and Wellbeing Team can find the time, it remains relevant.


 World’s Greatest Shave - to support Clementine please scan here:

Wigs for Kids - Grade Prep teacher, Lauren is also losing her locks for a great cause.  We will be holding a ‘Wigs for Kids’ gold cousin donation and casual dress day on the last day of term, Thursday 28th March.  The donation link can be found below.