From the Principal

16 May, 2024

This week, we celebrate Education Week, a dedicated time to honour the invaluable contributions of principals, school leaders, teachers, and staff statewide. Let's take a moment to reflect on and appreciate their significant role in shaping our future. 


I sincerely thank our fantastic POPS staff, who consistently deliver high-quality work daily. 


Tuesday night was fantastic, with many community members engaging in science and technology activities across the school. It was wonderful to highlight the diverse talents of our students. Thanks to our teachers for organising engaging activities. Visitors praised our lovely community. POPS is fortunate to have exceptional students, supportive parents, and dedicated staff. The choir's performance beautifully concluded the evening—special thanks to the choir and Mrs Bowen for their outstanding performance.


Next Wednesday, classes across the school will participate in the National Simultaneous Storytime 2024.


This year’s selected picture book was Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker. It is a moving story of longing and connection that unfolds as the bowerbird’s search for blue things sends him soaring across the sea, sky, and city.


Thursday, May 16

I want to recognise the crucial role that our education support staff play in the accomplishments of POPS.


This week, if you encounter Mrs Walsh, Mrs Daniel, Mrs Muirhead, Mrs Schaper, Mrs Bowen, Mrs Giansante, Mrs Rosenthal, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Fernando, Mrs Psihogios and Mrs Southgate, please express gratitude for their contributions to our school and the positive impact they make on our students.


Construction on the sensory garden behind the Library and Wellbeing Centre kicks off next week, bringing an air of excitement. As a result, certain sections will be cordoned off for a few weeks. The top entrance to the school on Bowmore Avenue will be inaccessible. Students and families are to utilise the lower entrance or explore alternative entrances on the western side to ease foot traffic. Additionally, a portion of the area in front of the library and wellbeing centre will be fenced off to accommodate equipment and materials. To make room, some bike racks will be shifted next to the ramp of Block B building.


With the onset of colder weather, we're observing an increase in community members falling ill with colds and flu.


Parents, carers, and students are urged to take preventive actions, such as:

  • Regularly washing and sanitizing hands.
  • Refraining from touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Staying at home if feeling unwell and seeking advice from a general practitioner (GP).

Take care,

Ms Garrity



Key Dates:

Friday May 17- Walk Safely to School- Wear a beanie

Monday May 20- Storytime- Pets- 9:10am