Clontarf Academy

Mr David Friebel, Clontarf Academy Director

Clontarf morning trainings followed by a hot brekky provide the perfect start to the day for our Indigenous students.
Clontarf morning trainings followed by a hot brekky provide the perfect start to the day for our Indigenous students.

We are now well and truly into the term with our boys settled and back into routine. Our morning trainings have been a huge hit so far this year with solid numbers getting up early twice a week and getting a good workout in the gym before a hot brekky and classes. Backboard footy seems to be the pick of the sports at the moment with the frenetic pace a great way to wake up and start the day. The boys have been showing great Clontarf spirit, ensuring everyone is involved, having a red hot go with a big smile on their face. 

It is really important to learn routine and for our boys to be routinely getting up at 6.30am to exercise twice a week is a really healthy habit. It puts the boys in a great state of mind heading into their first lesson and the discipline they show doing these transfers into all other aspects of life. After the boys shower it’s into the Clontarf room for a hot brekky. We have a few special mentions, the Top Trainer is announced, and he gets up to speak to all of the boys. 

As with most Clontarf activities we try and build in as many of our Clontarf pillars as possible. Each time one of our boys gets up and speaks to a group, it's building capacity for them to be able to do this comfortably in a range of settings in the future. It could be a job interview or meeting a new coach, but the ability to shake hands and speak with confidence will nearly always lead to positive first impressions. 

A big thanks to the boarding staff and Darren for your help in getting our boys up and about for our trainings.

If there are any teachers or staff that would like to take part in our morning training sessions you are more than welcome. It’s super important to have staff involved in our program and anytime you have an opportunity to build relationships with our boys outside of the classroom it is worth it. Whether it be a morning training, a hit of table tennis at recess or a chat over a toastie at lunch time, I encourage you to come in a say hello to the boys in the Clontarf room.

As we wind up Week 3, all eyes are on our upcoming camps with the Clontarf Year 7 induction camp on next week and our Year 8 and 9’s off to Anglesea in Week 5. Thanks for everyone’s support in helping to settle our new boys in.