Junior School

Mr Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

Year 7 Camp

There has been a lot happening in the first few weeks of Term 1 – hopefully you are feeling well-informed, and I trust that the boys have had had an enjoyable start to the school year. Last week, our Year 7 students attended their overnight stay at the Log Cabin Camp in Creswick. This experience has a proud association with the Log Cabin Camp, providing decades worth of St Patrick’s College students with an incredible opportunity. This year’s instalment was no exception and personally, I was fortunate to attend a few afternoons and evenings where I could see the boys enjoying the benefits of a school camp.


The highlight, in my opinion, was the two-three hours during the afternoon where several Year 12 Student Council representatives came out to discuss, pass on and welcome the Year 7 students to the traditions of being at St Patrick’s College student. During these sessions, the Year 12 student leaders taught the Year 7’s the College War Cry, which was a warming interaction to observe. From all accounts, it's an experience many St Patrick’s students remember fondly years later. 


Furthermore, we recognise and thank the Year 7 Coordinators, Mrs Margie Dodd and Mrs Jacinta Burge for their leadership throughout the entire week. On behalf of the Year 7 students and Homeroom staff, we thank you, Margie and Jacinta, for providing a terrific experience. Our thanks also go to the dedicated Year 7 Homeroom teachers as well as the staff from Enhanced Learning (particularly Spence Jenks and Rhys Grace) who were out there the entire week. I hope the boys enjoyed their experience at the Log Cabin Camp and were able to take away some good lessons, establish relationships with peers, build rapport with staff and enjoy the memories for the years to come. One day, some of our current Year 7 students will head out to the Log Cabin as Year 12’s to share their experiences and pass on the traditions that they learnt.

Co-Curricular opportunities

One of great opportunities at St. Patrick’s College is the co-curricular program. Particularly, it has been a busy fortnight for the Sports Department with the following taking place:

  • Year 7 Swimming trials
  • Associated Catholic College (ACC) athletics try-outs 
  • St Patrick’s College House Swimming sign-ups
  • The commencement of Ballarat Associated Schools (BAS) Sport such as Junior Boys (Year 7 and 8 cricket) and Junior Boys Baseball
  • Year 7 and 8 Basketball try-outs
  • Year 7 and 8 Soccer try-outs

On top of this, the St Patrick’s Rugby team has started its preparations for the season ahead. I note strong levels of interest from the Junior Schoolers and there are a number of Year 8 students involved in the rowing program who will be looking forward to their first experience at the Head of the Lake regatta next Sunday. Additionally, the cast from the School of Rock are busy rehearsing and are enjoying the benefits of using the new Performing Arts Centre. 


Getting involved in the College’s co-curricular program is a rewarding opportunity and involvement in such activities for the College is often one of the great memories of one's time at school. I strongly encourage all our Junior School students to consider getting involved in a co-curricular activity – give something a go – it’s a great way to build friendships and learn new skills (we are blessed with many talented and dedicated coaches from our teaching staff). For all co-curricular enquiries, please get in touch and I can direct you accordingly. 

GRIT awards

Every fortnight one student from each Year 7 & 8 Homeroom will receive the GRIT award, which is presented to the student by their Homeroom Teacher. 

What is GRIT? Psychologist Angela Duckworth describes GRIT as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals” and is the combination of talent and effort which supports the development of important character traits such as resilience and hardiness, qualities associated with being successful. 

We want to teach our students how they can demonstrate GRIT. Below are a few ways this can be highlighted:


Having a growth mindset 

Belief that skills and talents can be improved

Desire to challenge yourself


Being respectful

Showing respect to all staff and peers

Respecting the College uniform and facilities 


Showing inclusivity 

Showing compassion for yourself and others

Contributing to an inclusive, kind and safe environment


Being Tuned-in

Having your diary for every lesson for organisation

Attending lessons on time with the right equipment


We look forward to announcing the first instalment of the GRIT award winners in the Junior School in the next edition of The Crest.

Upcoming events

As we look ahead, I take the opportunity to remind our Junior School of the upcoming information:

  • ACC Athletics Carnival: Thursday, 22 February — Good luck to all students competing. There are about 20 Junior School students on the St. Patrick’s athletics team
  • Year 7 immunisations: Wednesday, 21 February — Year 7 students received an immunisation card from their Homeroom Teacher to take home. Can these please be returned at your next convenience
  • SPC House Swimming Carnival, Eureka Pool: Wednesday, 28 February — A friendly reminder that student attendance is expected at the St Patrick’s College House Swimming Carnival. The day caters for all swimming abilities – there is literally something for everyone. I thank our Junior School families in advance for your support in ensuring your son's involvement in the first House event of the year.
  • Year 8 Camp: 18-20 March — All correspondence has been sent out via the Parent Access Module (PAM). Thanks to those who have confirmed their son’s attendance at the camp. It will be a great experience for the boys.

Parent information session

If you were unable to attend the Junior School Parent Information Session in Week 1 and would like to watch a recording of the event, you can do so here:

Junior School Parent Information Session


In summary, there are a lot of great things happening in the Junior School and plenty of great opportunities for the students to enjoy. As the term continues to progress, it’s great to see the boys finding their feet, establishing friendships and feeling a sense of connectedness to the College. Should families need clarification about the operations of the Junior School or to discuss matters regarding your son, please contact your child’s Homeroom Teacher, Year Level Coordinator and/or myself.