Happenings around the school ………………

It has been wonderful to see so many parents and carers participating in Student Support Group meetings this week. These meetings provide a valuable opportunity for home and school to work together in planning and supporting the educational, health, social, cultural, and emotional wellbeing of our students. If you were unable to find a time this week, I encourage you to contact your child’s homeroom teacher to schedule a more convenient time.


What’s happening on Friday's in Pathways

In 2025, Naranga is delivering three Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs onsite. The courses are taught by experienced teachers trained to support the full participation of students in vocational education and training. These programs complement the careers and transition program offered across the senior school. They aim to enhance vocational skills, assist students with pathways to employment, develop individual work readiness skills, and support pathways to post-school options. The future vision is for Naranga to become a hub for delivering VET courses to both specialist and mainstream students, creating a truly inclusive program.


Respectful Relationships

Respectful Relationships education aims to teach students how to develop behaviours and attitudes that promote healthy, safe, and respectful relationships. All classes participate in weekly sessions.

On Tuesday, our school council members acknowledged our school community’s statement of commitment to implementing a whole-school approach to Respectful Relationships. The final statement will be published on the Naranga website in the coming weeks.


School pick up- A gentle reminder

A gentle reminder that when parking in preparation for school pick up please be mindful of others using the parking area and ensure cars are parked safely in the parking bays.


Have a lovely weekend.