FWPS Parents Association

Parents Association AGM
Thank you to all parents who came to our AGM on Monday night, it was a well attended meeting and we were thrilled to see some new faces. Particular thanks must go to Acting Principal Liz and Assistant Principal Carolyn who were welcome additions to our meeting, attending to oversee our election of office bearers.
We would like to welcome back returning members Clare Mitchell Crow and Alicia Madden who continue as Co-presidents, and Rebecca Gregg who returns as Secretary.
We wish a warm congratulations to Tanya Tran who was elected as Vice President, and Jessica Cork who has been elected as Treasurer. Their enthusiasm will be a great addition to our Office bearer roles and committee!
Additionally, we would like to thank Sharee Logan and Adele Coone for their contributions as Treasurer and Second-hand Uniform shop co-ordinator in 2024. Their input has been invaluable, and despite stepping down from these positions, we are grateful that both will remain members of the committee in 2025.
Positions Vacant
We are looking for enthusiastic parents who would like to run a PA event in 2025. Positions are open for our some of our yearly events, including the much loved Mother’s Day / Special Person’s stall, and the Second-hand Uniform Shop and Trivia Night. Or if you have a new idea you’d like us to consider and need support to get off the ground please get in touch.
Get your WWCC here: Working with Children Check (service.vic.gov.au)
With thanks,
Claire & Alicia
On behalf of the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association
Please check out our Facebook Page: FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com